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Kristen's POV*

When El bumped into him

My mate. I knew she was when I first saw her. That's why I want her so bad. I need her. I could have sworn my mate was dead but.. obviously not. Now she's all that matters.

While she changed I grabbed Quinn and pulled him into another room. "What the hell?! You said you'd warn me. I was a-fucking-sleep okay. God dammit Kay!" He whispered yelled at me in Russian. "You scared to living shit out of her. I haven't seen her cry in a while either dude, you fucked all the way up." I felt my heart drop. "She's my mate she'll forgive me eventually." He crossed his arms and hung his head.

"Will she? Kay? She's​ a very sensitive girl Kay, and you damn near killed Matt." He said. "You weren't supposed hurt him." I shrugged. "He was in my way like he cares."

"Why didn't you shoot him in the knees or something?" I chuckled. "I really don't know.." I trailed off as my little mate came up behind Quinn with a look that could kill.

When she hit him I had to hold back a smile. The whole thing was just interesting. I wasn't gonna stop her from hitting him again but that piece of shit came in. "Feisty little girl." I heard him say.

I almost punched him then. She scratched him and elbowed him which I thought was cute. But then he pulled her hair and I couldn't stop the growl that erupted it from me.

Sorry for the scattered time plot. I'm really lazy and don't feel like typing this stuff back out for his POV.

We packed up her clothes and few belongings before taking her to our house. She looked rather unimpressed. It kinda hurt my pride. That was until she saw the inside.

I wonder what Quinn said to her. I should have listened in.

Once we sat her down I assumed she'd be quite but she had everything on point. Like.. everything. When I told her she was my mate she looked as if she wanted to cry.
El's POV**

MY MATE?!NO! NO NO NO! Why me? What the heck did I do to the moon goddess?

I shook my head. "No. You're not my mate." I said and he frowned. "I don't feel anything towards you so forget that. Take me home!" I yelled and he made some type of motion with his hand that made everyone leave. He stood up and confident me melted away. "You will not speak to me like that! Show me respect!" I jumped. "You are my mate! I feel it. You can't because you just matured a day ago. Wolves can't find their mate until 3 months after they mature. You should know this." He growled. I hadn't know I was backing up until I almost fell back over a chair but he caught me.

He wrapped an arm around me and held me to his chest. "Like it or not I'm your alpha now." Then it hit me. I shoved him. "I'm my own alpha. Can't you feel that? My aura." He smirked. "Oh little mate-" My wolf side purred at that.

Is this really my mate? She asked and I was surprised again.

"Apparently." I said a loud and he furrowed his eyebrows that I noticed were nicer than mine. "Excuse me?" He asked. I shook my head and looked down. He lifted my head with his thumb and sparks flew across my skin I jumped and his eyes widened. He felt it to. I moved away.

"Don't touch me." I mumbled. He cleared his throat. "There are some rules here." He said and I looked up. "First. Never disrespect me. Ever. Second. Always address me as sir or alpha until you accept me as you're mate. Third. You will do as I tell you at all times."

My jaw dropped.

"Forth. You will not leave this house without one, my permission, two, a guard. Fifth. You can't have a boyfriend/girlfriend unless it me, obviously." He said with a smirk and I looked away. Memories of Matt stabbing my brain.

My wolf sighed.

Tears pricked my eyes but I held them back. That he his.

Kirsten stared at me but my expression was emotionless. "May I go now.. Alpha Kirsten." I don't feel like pissing off a alpha. His face fell as if he had expected something different

"Yes. Quinn will show you to your room." He said coldly. I nodded. I just want to sleep. Q showed me to the room it was nice but everything smelled like Kristen. The whole house smelled like him. I didn't mind it that much though.

"El please. I'm so sorry this happened the way it did but don't think I didn't actually care. I did. I do. If you need a friend my room's 3 doors down.

"How bout this Quinn. I'll forgive you a little bit a day." I said. He nodded frantically. "I'll take it." He hugged me and I squeezed him. "Matt h-he-" A guilty look crossed his features.

"Don't okay? Just take a nap." I nodded. "Yeah." He left me alone to sleep and it came fast.

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