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There is sexual content in this chapter so... Yeah. Also it may be hella horrible so dont make fun of me please😥

I've been pissed ever since he took me from the gym 4 days ago. But I did find out what happened to Riley. He's gamma now. Minnie's beta.

"Ella!" Kristen yelled for the 18th time today because I'm ignoring him. "Ella baby I'm sorry." He whined and I almost spoke to him. "Ella god dammit." He barked and I jumped and looked at him. His face softened. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered and cuffed my face. I smacked his hands away and continued to scroll through Tumblr.

"Ella." He whimpered. "Ella." He said again and my heart squeezed with every whined. He nuzzled me and I growled at him. He backed off after that. After about half and hour I felt guilty.

Then there was a knock at the door. I huffed and shoved my phone in my back pocket and threw open the door. "Kri-" No one. But his sent lingered. I looked down and there was three boxes and one had a note attached. "Tonight there's a ball and I want you to accompany me. If you agree you must immediately start to get ready." It read. I huffed and push the boxes in the room.

In the first. Roses. Hella roses. I smiled and opened the second one and bursted out laughing. A cheesecake. "I hate him." I laughed to myself and opened the next one was dress. A peach colored like dress. I frowned seeing that the sides we're exposed and there were two slits that would definitely show my legs . I know the scars are fading but they're still there.

I took a shower then pulled on the dress and did my make up. My hair was fine. It was being it regularly wild self. I put on stilettoes​ that were the same color and a simple gold necklace. The dress showed a lot more skin than I'd usually like but I really like the way I looked.

I started down the stairs to see Quinn in a tux and Xander. Kristen had on one too but his back was turned to me. Quinn looked at me with a smile. "Looking hot Elbug." He said with a smirk and Kristen turned around. Before he had a chance to say any thing I wrapped my arm around his neck. "I forgive you Kris." I said kissed his nose.

"Nice to know. He's was worried you weren't coming. He was gonna have to tell his mom you ditched." Q huffed. "His mom?" I asked and looked a Kristen. "Kris you didn't say anything.." "I'm sorry. I didn't tell you. I thought it would be to much pressure to put on you. Hell. I'm nervous. I haven't seen her in 2 years." His said. "Oh. Wow. That doesn't make me feel better." I sighed. "And why are me going so early?" "It's the mating ball El. It's in New York." "That's a hell of a drive!" "Yeah. That's why we fly." Kris mumbled and pulled me into his chest skimming his fingers up and down my sides. "I don't like you showing all this skin." He whispered in my ear making me shiver. "You bought the dress. Which I have plenty off. And what do you mean fly?" He glared at Q. "You will see." Is all he said before dragging me out of the house.

While in the car I realized this was the first time I've ever actually been outside of his land since he took me. Everything seemed so new and different for some reason. I bet I looked like a child at a toy store.

When we pulled up to a gigantic jet I gawked at it. "This is yours." "Ous." He whispered to me in Russian. (In case you were wondering it means Ours.)
I just looked at him while he dragged me into the jet. "Whoa. It looks like a tiny house." I giggled and Kris chuckled. "Yeah. I guess." I rolled my eyes at him and opened a random cabinet. "That is.. a lot of liquor." I mumbled. "Yes. Don't touch it." "What, why?" I whined. "Because. You aren't old enough." Q and Xavier laughed and I closed the cabinet. "Mkay." I said and everyone got like dead silent. "What?"

"You aren't gonna argue?" I shrugged and sat down. Kristen got up and grabbed 4 small shot classes and sat them on the table before grabbing a random bottle of brown liquor. "Whiskey." He said and opened it, he filled the tiny glasses and Q and Xavier both grabbed theirs. Then they all look at me. I hesitantly picked it up and Kris held up his, so did Q and Xavier. "To.. Ellas first drink." I glared at him and before they could repeat I threw the drink back and sat the glass down and leaned back in my chair. I was used to the burn of alcohol.

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