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Dedicated to  DaYTimeYSL  for being a loyal and positive reader and for commenting.

The whole group. Right there watching us. Kristen stood up, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Alpha Antoine." He said gruffly and shook his hand with me still clinging to him. "Alpha Kay. Luna El." I gave him a thumbs up. "Kay. Sorry to interrupt your.. play time. I need to speak with you privately. I already knew that meant I had to let go of Kristen. So I did and he lowered me to the floor. "Behave little mate." I nodded sheepishly and kissed his cheek when he turned his head.

Like I assumed would happen, Minnie grabbed me and dragged me into the dance room. "Eloise." She scolded and I covered my face with my hands. "You sexy she devil." She squealed. "Ugh. Stop it." I whined. "Look at you're booty." She said and smacked it really hard. I smacked her arm. "Ow." I cried and rubbed where she smacked me. "Is this real?" She asked in reference to my tattoo. "Yeah." She gasped.

She continued to scold me about my attire until Riley, who was being unusually quiet, stopped her. "It's her mate Mins. Leave it alone. I mean if she want to basically fuck him in front of other people then so be it." "Hey we weren't basically.. doing that. It was just a kiss." "And I'm just a girl who looks like a guy." "Well if you want to be honest I've never seen a penis so.." I mumbled and he smiled. "The sass." "That's not sass." Minnie laughed and shook  me. "You wanna dance? Or no?" "I will if you close the door. Also give me me your jacket." "Deal." I wrapped her jacket around my waist.

"In honor of El I think Party Favors would be-" "Uhm how bout no. You do understand that even though the door is closed that whole wall is made out of see through glass right?" "But you loved this dance." "Correction. You did." "You did it best." "So." "Come on you and Riley always killed it." I clear my throat.

"How about no." I said and Riley rolled his eyes. "She's scared her mate will find out she's not as innocent as she acts." "Hey!" I was quite offended. "Do the dance." "No." He made a face that read "see, I told you". "I'm trying to save you. I'm just saying the dance is sensual that's all and all those people can see." He scoffed and gave me the most sarcastic thumbs up ever. Minnie made a face and shrugged at me. I threw my hands up. "Fine you.. dicks." "Oh god Eloise never go to a party you don't do well under peer pressure." She laughed and I frowned at her.

Riley's face was blank like always but he looked extra cocky. "Straighten up." I hissed at him and the music started. I mean the dance was a good one but again über sensual. (Dance in media box at the top.)

Minnie cheered me on afterwards. "That's was good El. I can't believe you still remember any of it though." "It's hasn't been that long Minnie." "But still." I jumped when loud claps sounded from the door which was wide open. "That was a.. beautiful dance." Kristen's voice hissed. I didn't even look at him and Minnie looked at me.  "I think my favorite part was when you pressed your dick to my wife's ass."

"No actually I think it was the part whe-" I covered his mouth with my hand. "Shut up Kris please. It's just and dance. I got no enjoyment out of it and neither did Riley. He's and asshole who thinks he's the shit so leave it please. I'll never ask for you to leave anything ever again." I pleaded and he slowly started to relax. That was until Riley had to open his god damn mouth. "That was my favorite part too though." He said and I dropped my head from his mouth and turned to Riley.

Why?! Why would he do that? Come on Riley!

Kris pushed straight past me and started walking towards Riley. I looked at anyone for any type of help but nooo. I jumped on his back as a last resort. "Kris stop." I whined. "There is no reason for you to even acknowledge him. He's a beta. Not even you're beta." I tried and he stopped in front of Riley.

Thankfully when he pulled his fist back Antoine stopped him. "Kay." Kris clenched his jaw before clearing his throat. "Mm. Yes." They friken mind linked. I frowned. Kris didn't bother shrugging me off he just walked off with me still attached to him.

"You are no longer to see this.. Riley for anything." He said pulling us into a private workout room. I just nodded. It's not like I care. "I don't understand why you don't understand that no man is to touch you." "I do. We were just dancing." "No! Ella you were he was-" "Dancing!" "You are so naive!" "I am not." I whispered. "Any man would could see that he was to sleep with you." "Well even so it wouldn't have happened." "Sure." "Sure? So you think I'd cheat on you?!" He frowned. "No. I'm just saying-" "I couldn't give two fucks about what the fuck you were just saying.  Honestly Kris you're so fucking stupid it makes no since." He blinked at me."And now you've not a damn thing to say." I growled and shoved him. "Damn you Kristen " I tried to walk off but he grabbed my arm and yanked me back. "Don't ever walk away from me." I scowled at him. "Let. Me. Go Kristen." His eyes softened then just clouded over with anger. Wtf?

"Excuse me?" "I said let go." "No. What did you just call me." I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. "Kristen." He frowned and leaned down so we were at eye level. "You are not allowed to call me that."

Um.. what?

"What the hell does that mean?" "You can only call me Kris.. or something endearing." My jaw dropped. "What?" "What's my name?" "Kristen." He literally growled at me. "What's my name?" "Kristen." I said and crossed my arms.

"Listen. I don't give a FUCK, how angry you are. My name to you is Kris or baby do you understand me?" I bit my lip to stop from smiling but failed. "You're an idiot." I giggled but he didn't change. "What's my name?" He asked and I smiled. "Mmm.. Kristen." "Ella stop. I'm serious." "Fine." "What's my name?" "Daddy." I whispered and he stared at me. His grip loosened on my arm and I wiggled away and ran from the room with a gigantic smile on my face. "You perverted woman!" He yelled and I couldn't stop laughing. Minnie gave me a worried look. "Are you okay?" "What? Why wouldn't I?"
"It's Alpha Kristen." "What.." "He is a jerk.. and alpha. And he's like.. one of the worst i've heard of." 

"Kristen wouldn't purposely hurt me Minnie." "I was just checking." "Where's.. Riley?" "Being delt with." I frowned. "I hope it's not too bad. He is stupid but he's still my-" Minnie's eyes widened and she took a step back. "What?" I asked and quickly turned around to see an livid Kristen. "Oh." I grunted in distaste. "He's not gonna do anything to you." "No I'm not. But I might do something to you." He growled and threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down you caveman." I screeched and slapped his  back repeatedly.


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