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It was like a dream. A beautiful.. sad dream.

I was standing their in the forest and it was snowing so hard. Then my mother appeared looking like an angel. "Mom." I cried and hugged her to me. "Oh darlin. I'm so sorry." She said and we both fell to our knees. "Im so sorry." "No mama its okay. I do not blame you." The crazy thing is that I really didn't.

Her mate died and even though most mates die after their mate does due to the pain she survived. For her to live ask long as she did was a miracle. For that I only blame Micheal. "No. I should have been there for you. I let him hurt you." "Mama. Stop. I don't care. He's can't hurt me anymore." I assured her.

"He better not." I voice in know all to well said. "Daddy." I screamed and got up and ran to him. "I missed you so much." I choked out through my tears. "Wait if you two are here.. Am I dead?" I asked horrified that the answer would be yes. "No. No. But your are in a coma." He said sadly. "You can't hurt yourself like that baby. I don't want you to die before your time." I just nodded.

A coma. I put myself in a coma.

"Anyways. El we must talk about this mate of yours." I unintentionally scowled at the mention of him. "He can burn in hell for all I care." I growled and my mother gasped. "Language." I dropped my head. "Im sorry momma." I whimpered and she kissed my head. "Like I was saying. Kristan right?" My sad asked and I nodded.

"When you awake you can not forgive him immediately. Do you understand. The goddess has a plan for you." "But daddy he's my mate. I live with him." "Then leave. Cut off all contact with anyone who could tell him where you are." "But Q.." "Its not like its gonna be forever bug. Just listen to us. Please." "Okay papa. But how am I gonna get away? He'll never let me leave." He opened his mouth to speak when it stopped snowing. "Oh. That's our que to go. Remember what we said." My mother chimes and kissed both my cheeks before engulfing me in a hug.

Before I could protest I woke up.

Shit its bright. I closed my eyes again and opened them little by little until I could see. The steady beeping of the machine attached to my arm is the first thing I heard. Then a next is the nurse. "Luna Ella?! Oh my god!" She basically yelled and I flinched. "Shut up." I barked at her and sat up. I sat up a little too fast because my vision got blurry and I swayed at little. "Sorry. I'll go get Alpha Kristen."

I grabbed her arm. "No." "N-no?" "No. I want to.. surprise him. Check my vitals and get me some clothes. Tell no one that I'm awake or I'll kill you. Do you understand?" "Yes Luna." She whimpered out. I nodded.

When she came back it was with a red hoodie and black jeans. "Mm. Yeah thanks." I said going to the bathroom to take a quick shower and dress. My waist was healed and actually looked a little faded. She was still there when I came out. I'd also asked her to sneak in to my room and get my perfume which was the spray I took from Doc that mask my scent. "Guard this room until he sees me. Tell any and everyone they can't go in."

"Yes Luna." "Stop calling me that." I hissed and walked off. On my way out I bumped straight into a chest. One sniff and I knew it was Kris. "Sorry alpha." I said and ran off without even looking at him. When I say ran I mean RAN. As soon as I made it deep the woods I stop to catch a breath before running again until I crossed territories.
Kristen's POV

4 weeks. That's how long its been since I last heard her beautiful voice. Since I saw her award worthy smile. Since I'd seen her beautiful green eyes. 4 fucking weeks since I marked her and she almost died because of it. When I saw her my heart felt as if it had been ripped out of my chest. I can't believe I made her do something like that. She has to wake up. Without her I'm a wreck. I need her to wake up. She's the only person I love this much.

Some girl snapped me out of my thoughts as she ran straight into my chest. I was gonna yell but didn't have the energy. She mumbled an apology and ran off.

I saw a nurse standing at her site with a smile on her face..? When I stepped to her her face fell and morphed into confusion. "Alpha Kristen." "Yes?" I huffed and tried to open Ella's door. The nurse stepped in my way.

"Is there a reason you are denying me access to the Luna." "Well sir she.. She just.." No. I would have felt it. I shoved her out of the way and threw open the door to see that she was gone. "Where the fuck is she?!" I roared and grabbed the nurse. "S-she woke up a-about 2 hours a-ago." She suffered and my heart fluttered. "Where is she then?" I asked my heart beating faster and Grayson howling at the fact that he would be able to see her again.

"S-she left. She said she was going to surprise you. You had to have seen her as she left. She just left. It would have been impossible for you to haven't had." She said and I let her go. The girl who ran into me. Wait no. That makes no since. Why would she call me alpha. "Was she in a red hoodie?" "Yes sir. She was." I growled and ran out of her room. Why can't I smell her?

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