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"Kay told me bout your clothes and we're dealing with that. Maxx and Dana went home but Maxx will be back in a few days. I got you some clothes for now. Take a shower and stuff and we can go swimming or something."

I nodded and he handed me 2 bags with clothes in them. I rolled my eyes when I saw the underwear, they were lacy hello Kitty panties.. no bra though. Perv. The outfit was nice though. Severely ripped high waist jeans, black vans, and I long sleeve crop top that's showed my shoulders. I put on some carmex and thankfully my few pieces jewelery were okay. A few vintage looking bracelets and a Harry Potter necklace. "Look at you looking all cute."

I'd braided my hair to the scalp but left the end alone do it could be it a puff ball. "There's my El." He said and I smiled. "Is Kristen done yet?" I asked and played with my fingers. "No he's in a meeting with a pack leader." He said. "In that office you two were making out in." He said and I poked my tongue out. "We were not." I huffed. "You were." I thought for a minute and walked out of the room. "Where are you going?" "To see my mate."


After I left the room I punched a hole in on off walls I passed. I scared the absolute shit out off her. Seeing her so fearful me killed me. I had to leave the room. She fucking.. hurts herself because of me.

She was bleeding human. He growled. Why would you push mate. She is.. mate! He growled at me.

"I know I know shut up! You know I didn't fucking mean it." I said and let out an aggregated growl. Then someone knocked on the door. "WHAT?!" My voice layered like Ella's is when she get really angry. It was Xander my second beta. "Uh boss. Croc is here." "Shit. Tell him to come in." I forgot about this meeting.

I composed myself and sat in my chair. I was under dressed and everything. I was in the middle of getting dressed when I kissed Ella on her head. Her shirt had rode up revealing those scars. It broke me a little.

My shirt is unbutton 4 buttons showing off my chest. My knuckles raw and red from punching holes in shit. My sleeves rolled up my arms my hair and mess and my pants wrinkly. Great. Looks like I just got out of a fight. I ran my fingers through my hair. Yeah that so helps Kay.

"Kristen!" Croc calls. "How are you? Look angry. Ready for some good news?" Hell yes. "Sure. Whatcha got?"
Good news is he captured some of our enemies and some rats that have been selling secrets. Bad news is people are finding out about Ella aka leverage.

"This is bullshit." I yelled and slammed my hands on the table. "How many kilos were stolen from you?" Someone robbed one of Crocs distributors. "All." He said. Just then we heard grunting and body's dropping and the door flew open revealing a fuming Eloise.



I walked with purpose down the hall and two men stopped me before I can go through the door. "Bosses orders. No one gets​ it." "You obviously aren't Kristen's men. Your boss is not my boss. Back off." I said and one shoved me enough for me to stumble back. I frowned. "Touch me. One more time." I said.

I took a step and he took his time shoving me. Harder this time. I rolled my neck and glared at Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. I kicked the one who shoved me in the knee so he dropped and Laverne a round house kick in his face. The other one held up his hands and moved out of my way. Ha I was right. Then I kicked open the door. Now I'm pissed. Kristen stood and so did the other guy.

"Ella!" He stated but sounded unsure. Probably because his mate is standing in the door with a bleeding man behind her knocked it. I took a few deep breaths and sighed once I was calm. "Sorry." It came out softer than I intended. The smarter guard closed the door behind me and Kristen was still giving me the what the hell look. I shamefully hung my head.

"Hold up. You hit someone?" I nodded sheepishly. "If it makes it any better he pushed me. Twice." I hello up two fingers. He looked amused, confused, and proud. "We will talk about this later. Now meet a good friend of mine. Crochet Member." I wanted to laugh but went against it.

"Dude don't tell her my name." He said and smiled at me. "Call me Croc." I nodded. "Eloise Snow. Call me El." I said and he nodded. "Though you seem lovely I must ask why you knocked my guy." He hummed softly. "He pushed me." I said and he smiled.

"Well. He pushed her." He looked at Kristen. "Okay." Kristen face fell. He must be remembering things morning. "Well as lovely as it was to meet you. I must go. See you later Kay. El." Then he left. Kristen backed away from me then. "Ella why the fuck?" He breathed. "You can fight?" I nodded sheepishly. "Since when?!" "Since I was seven." I said pridefully. "Why.. no." His voice dropped a few octaves.

"Why are you here? Ella I don't want you here." I help up my hand. "You can shut that down. Right now. Cause I don't care. Your pack, my pack." I grabbed his chin so he would look at me in the eye. "Anything that goes on on this land has everything to do with me." He pulled away.

"Ella you can't just cla-" "You just claimed me out of no where, now I have claimed you and everything you stand for, understand?" I asked and he nodded slowly before shaking his head as if to clear it. "I hurt you. I scared-"

I shoved him back until we hit his desk. "I didn't have the best childhood. I wasn't you who scared me it was your anger. And there's gonna be anger so get over it. I know you'd never do anything wrong to me. So stop." I said standing on my tippy toes wrapping my arms around his neck. "Okay?" He nodded.

And that ladies is how you do it.

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