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I smiled and he placed his hands on my hips. "Ella." He mumbled. I pulled away to look me up an down. "Where did you get these clothes?" "Quinn." He poked my boob and I smacked his hand. "Not my fault you left your headlights on." He mumbled and chuckled softly.

I looked down and we'll enough my nipples were poking through my shirt. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away from him. "I'm sorry." He said out of no where. "For?" "Poking your nipple." He said with a smirk. "Ugh. You're so fricken childish." I growled and stomped away. "Molto, MOLTO, infantile." I yelled at him in Italian. Quinn stopped me when I was going down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" "Ha toccato il mio capezzolo." I mutter.

"I don't speak Italian Elbug. You know this." He sighed. "He touched my nipple. They were poking out and he poked it. Very childish man you got for a alpha there." I said raising my voice at the end then storming off. "He's also my uncle." He teased.

All day I ignored Kristen like a child but whatever. I can tell it was angering him. Everytime I ignored him he would growl and try to catch me. Quinn wasn't helping either with his constant teasing.

Come to the kitchen chesticles. I jumped as Q's voice filled my head through our mind link.

Why you anus?

I got something you would love. But hurry I'm eating it pretty quickly.

I walked into the kitchen sniffing and only smelling Quinn who's always in there. "Watcha eatin?" I hum and his head snaps up in surprise.

"Cheesecake." He said and I gasped. "Without me Quinn how could you?"

Cheesecake is my favorite.

He chuckled. "I saved you the rest." He said and held up a big piece of cheesecake. I grabbed it and started to devour it. "Where did you get cheesecake? It's like 9. Oooh did Emanuel make it?" The head chef. "No. Twas a bribe." "Hm?" "A. Bribe." My eyes widened. "Yo-" Two familiar arms wrapped around me.

"Kristen!" I squealed and started smacking his arms which had no effect on him. "Hello beautiful." He said making my heart flutter as he started carrying me away.

"WAIT." I exclaimed and he stopped then maneuvered me so he was holding me bridal style. "Yes?" I pointed to where Quinn was sitting and Kristen smirked. He walked back over and I snatched the rest of the cake off island. "Hey. Lemme get one mor-" I glared at him and Kristen walked off. "You bitch." Quinn chuckled. Kristen growled and almost turned around. "It's fine." Kristen nodded and took us up to our room.

"I don't appreciate being ignored little mate." He said and sat across from me on the bed. I offered him a piece of cheesecake with a shy smile. He took it but did not smile. For some reason my heart dropped. I don't like the way he looks. Sad. "I'm sorry." I whispered out. "I didn't know it was bothering you like that." I said and he face lit up. Yes! We ate the whole rest of the cheesecake together and talked.

"I have never swam. Like ever." I said and he shook his head. "How did you get out of the pool the last time?" "Adrenaline. I think." I said with a shrug. He looked at me and started to reach over. I did my best not to move away. He wiped some crumbs off the corner of my mouth. "Oh. Sorry." I chuckled nervously and looked away. His hands cupped my face. "Ella." He purred and made me look him in his eyes. They are are so fricken pretty. "Can I kiss you again?" He asked and my breath hitched.

I nodded and he leaned into me. I did the same and​ relaxed a little when our lips touched. It was a slow kiss.

Sweet and slow. Just like I like it. His tongue brushed my bottom lip and I froze. Do I let him in or not? I thought to myself and all over a sudden I was lifted up and sat on his lap so I was straddling him. "Pozhaluysta Ella." (Please Ella.) He said to me. His accent thicker and husky. It made me shiver. His use of Russian made my lady part tingle and a knot in my stomach to form. I parted my lips slightly and let him in. He didn't hesitate to take dominance over me which at the time I so didn't mind. His hand rubbed my sides and soon enough found their way to my butt.

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