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**Out of the hospital wing***

"So. I have some people coming over is that okay?" Kristen asked me. "Yeah who?" "Some friends of mine.. Dana and Max." My heart stopped for a second. "And they are.." I asked and tried to ignore the dull pain spreading through my body.

"Um.. old friends. Max is three. Dana is 25." I scrunched my eyebrows. "How old are you again?" "23.. Why?" "Just asking. How long you know her?" "I don't know, princess." He muttered while moving me up the stairs. The new name made my heart flutter.

"Princess?" I asked. "Hm?" He asked and looked at me. "Princess. You called me princess." "Yes. I did. Because you are my princess."

"Wonder if mate called Dana princess?" Erza growled. I frowned.

"What you don't like it?" I was gonna speak but I could feel myself sinking into my safe place. I guess he thought I was just thinking so he kept going. "So he's really.. hyper is that.. okay?" He asked. Nothing. He said standing in front of me. "Ella?" He asked and cupped my face. I wanted to lean into his hand so bad. "Ella don't do this again it was hard enough the first time please?" He begged and I closed my eyes only to let a single tear drop from my eye lashes. "Ella. Baby why are you crying?" He sounded so hurt.. almost like he actually care.

"Don't cry please don't." Now I sorta wish I hadn't asked him to bring me downstairs. "Eloise please. I'm trying to be good for you okay? I want you to be able to tell me any and every thing and I want you to trust me.. love me." We stood there looking at each other for a good 30 seconds before the main doors open and a tiny version of Kristen ran in.

Oof. Is he really trying to hide the fact that this is his son?

Behind him a lady who looked beautiful but like her legs were like McDonald's. Open 24 hours. Ezra laughed and this and I couldn't help but giggle my self.

Kristen's eyes lit up when the boy came running to him. "Hi squirt." The little boy squealed when Kristen picked him up. "Squirt? He calls you squirt?" I asked and Kristen smiled.

"I called him swuirtt once and now he just won't let it go." I jumped when Dana popped her gum. "Oh. Hi. I'm Ella." Did I really just introduce my self with that name?

The chick cocked her head to the side and ignored the hand I had stuck out for her to shake.

"So this is your mate." She said unimpressed and looked me up and down. "You didn't say she was so simple." She snickered. She's already pissing me off. "Anyways." She walked past me and dropped her jacket in my outstretched hand. The smell if that cheap perfume hit me.

A burst of anger flooded through my veins and Ezra decided to make an appearance. I spun her around by her arm and shoved her jacket in her stomach.

"Listen luv." My voice strong. "This isn't your house. It's mine and I will not be disrespected in it." She growledbut kept her eyes on the ground

I'm going to make myself a sammich.

You could hear Dana's annoyingly high voice as I walked away. "Kay do something. Kay! Are you even listening to me?!" I somehow ended up our room.

I guess I was the reason I was so weak. Holding back my feelings. No more though. I went into the bathroom and looked at my self. Look at me. I look like crap I've been so worried bout everything around me and not me. My skin is dry my hair is horrible. No. I was not brought up to look like some crack head whore who cant take care of herself. Hell no.

After washing my hair twice I platted it so I'd get my wild mane back. Then I took a needed hot bath with peppermint oil. That's gave my skin back it's beautiful dark brown glow. I let my nails soak in hot water and then I filed then to perfection. I'm getting back to me now. I used some pure argan oil on my hair and unplatted it so it was now back to it beautiful kinky curliness. I shaved and every inch of my body and lotioned up.

I pulled on on of the really tight but nice dresses Q got me for my birthday last year that hadn't worn yet. I normally wouldn't wear since I have more than a little butt but I feel really cute with black Greek sandals I used a little highlighter and and I did my eyebrows.. (How she looks above but not her.)

Say I walked down the hall to actually go makes me a sammich I was greeted by quite a few members. I said hi back of course. "You look beautiful Luna Eloise." Kristen's other beta said to me. "Please call me El." I said loud enough for everyone to hear. I hadn't met many people in the few months I've been here so for some it's there first time seeing me. "So. Is anyone hungry. I was thinking we could all eat in the pack dining room and have lunch.. or dinner since it's so late in the day." I got a lot of head nods. "Great. Has anyone seen Kristen?" I asked and they said he was dealing with Dana. I stopped his beta and whispered to him.

"Also. Kristen doesn't know I know that Maxx is his son and Dana was married to him. Let's keep it that way. No need to worry him." I said.

When I got down stairs Kristen was leaned over the counter holding his head in his head while Dana yapped. Maxx was sitting peacefully at the table. I walked over to him. "Hi." I whispered and he stared at me with eyes like Kristen's. "Hi." He whispered and I picked him up holding him on my hip. "My name's El." "I'm Maxx." I nodded and he patted my head. "Your hair is so puffy." " Yes it is." I hummed. "And you smell good." "Why thank you Maxx."

Dana was still yapping and it pushed me to an end. I sat Max down before growling rather loudly at her. Both her and Kristen's head turned to me.

"Do you ever shut up?" I groaned. She opened her mouth to speak and I held up a finger. "Listen. Like I said this is my house and you will not disrespect nor disturb anyone in it. Escpecially Kristen." I said. Kristen was just staring in silence.

"Oh yeah.. well I have a reason to yell at him. You know he's keeping things from you. If you knew you wouldn't even care bout him no more." "Care about him anymore." I corrected slowly and stood to to toe with her. "And theses secrets you speak off."

She backed up a little only for me to take a step closer. "You mean the fact that he married you before me?" I bit out. "Or maybe the fact that you have a child together." I mumbled and looked at my hand which now where sporting a beautiful set of claws. "I already know." I stated.

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