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I frowned at my words. "I mean-" He grabbed me by my waist and picked me up to we were eye to eye. "Please put me down." I whispered and he threw my over his shoulder. "Kris! Put me down I don't have on anything under this!" "Frankly little mate, I couldn't give one fuck." He said and tossed me on the bed. I immediately tried to crawl away but he grabbed my leg and pulled me back towards him making my dress ride up. I pulled it down and he grabbed my hand. "Do not hide from me." He he said and made me look at him. "Your face is hot." He chuckled and rubbed his thumb over my cheeks.

I jumped a little when his other hand made it's way to my thighs. "Is this okay?" He asked and kissed my lips. "Kristen." I whispered and he sighed. "Ella I'm trying. I am. I'm trying to control myself but please let me touch you." He said backed up so he could look at me fully. "Please." I nodded and he look surprised. "Oh.. uh." He swallowed making his adams apple bob. I kissed him in attempt to stop the awkward silence. His lips moved slowly from mine to my jaw then my collar bone. I ran my fingers through his hair and tugged on it. He started sucking on the spot on my skin where he is gonna mark me and I bit my lip in a failed attempt to hold back a moan. 

He growled and somehow ended up behind me. I turned my head towards him and his now bare chest was in my face. I looked up at him and his eyes were his wolves. "Greyson?" I asked and sat up on my knees. "No. It's still me." Kristen said. He ran his hands down my side and gripped the ends of my dress. I looked away from him and let him pull it over my head. He slowly raked his eyes up my body which made me self conscious but as soon as I moved to cross my arms over my arms over me he glared at me. "Well stop staring!" I cried and he smiled. "Okay." He chuckled and pulled me to him so my breast were pushed up against his chest. "So squishy." He said and I gave him a look. I jumped when his hands landed on my backside. "Ow! Kristen. Why?!" I yelled smacking his chest hard. "Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. But I had to." He laughed and I tried to hide my smile.

I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Ella. You smell so fucking good." He whispered. "Mhm. I believe the scent is arousal." I said sarcastically. I pecked his lips and kissed my way to his jaw.

Mark him. Ezra purred and I flinched back at her sudden words.

Kristen gave me a worried look which I ignored.

I can't just mark him.

He is our mate. Mark him.

No. Ezra stop.

I felt her pushing me out. She was trying to take control. Kristen made me look at him. By the face he made I could tell he could see how hard I was trying to control her. "We can stop." "No. Kristen. It's fine." I assured him though I was really sure.

I kissed him which only made it harder to push her away. He pulled away from me and moved me around so I was laying on the pillows. "Do you know how beautiful you are Eloise?" He asked and I stopped myself from shivering. His voice dropped like 4 octaves and his accent was so thick I could barely understand him. He held himself over me by his arm and just stared. "You are more beautiful than you know." He murmured as his head dipped and kissed right in between my breast.

His stubble scratched my skin in a pleasant way but I couldn't help but giggle. He just glanced up at me before kissing me directly on my left nipple.

My breath caught as he lightly sucked and swirled his tongue around my now hard nipple. I giggled a little at how serious his face was and stop what he was doing and just looked at me but didn't release my nipple from his lips. "Whats so funny?" He asked though it was muffled. "Why so serious?" I asked with a smirk and he cocked his head to the side. "I don't.. know actually. I just wanna do this right." He said and I smiled at him.

He nodded to himself and laid his head on my chest. "Im doing it right.. right?" "The man who has a child is asking me if he's doing it right?" "But this is different Ella. I truly truly love you and I don't want to.. to hurt you." "To my minimum amount of knowledge it's gonna hurt anyways." I said and he sighed. "But is this okay with you?" He asked and I laughed. "Of course it is Kristen." I said sitting up fully. "Stop worrying about if I like it or not. You will know if I like it or not." I said cupping his face and pulling him closer.

Then out of no where the doors busted open. I squeaked and Kristens head snapped towards the door. "What?!" He barked. I slid off the side of the bed and pulled my dress over my head. "Uh.." I know that voice. I peered at the man who so rudely interrupted me and Kristen.


"Uh what dumbass?" Kristen growled. "Oh um.. we have problem." "Which is?" "The Italians are on there way here." I looked at Kristen who was creepily calm. Matt's eye glossed over indicating he was being mind linked. "Correction. They are here." Kristen got up and pulled on his shirt and opens the dresser beside the bed and pulled out two guns. "Ella." He said and held one out. I got up and took it. "Hey.." I said with child like wonder. My name was engraved into it. "You like it?" I nodded and ran my fingers over it. "Good use it if you have to."

"If I have to, will do." I said and he grabbed my hand. Matt was just staring at us. "Why are you still here? Leave." Kristen ordered and he did as told. "Italians ruin everything." He grumbled when Matt left. I fake gasped. "Excuse me." I huffed and he wrapped his arm around me. "Not you baby girl. The rest of them." I pinched his arm. "Shut up." I paused and looked at his gun which had his name engraved. "His and her guns. How cute." I chuckled and he glared and me before kissing my cheek. "You love it." "I do."

( I know it's weird for wolves to use guns. Shut up.)

He grabbed my hand and we started to walk out of his room. It seemed like any man and woman who was apart of his pack were in the living room by the time we got there. I am very over dressed technically. I heightened my hearing so I could hear the door opening and multiple feet coming our way. "Get behind me because I can promise you if you get hurt I'm gonna kill all of them." He growled and I stepped behind his and gripped onto his arm. I tried to stay cool, calm, and collected but there was this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Before I could get a look at the Italians as they walked in, Matt, Xander, and Q also stood in front of me.

The tall assholes.

"Mr.Volkov. Nice to see you again." A man with a thick Italian accent said. For some reason I found it soothing almost familiar. "Why are you here? In my house? At night?" "Oh. Yes. I heard you found your mate and I wanted to personally congratulate you." "Leave my land." "But I want to see her. Where is she? I heard she is quite the beauty." "I said leave Eric." Kristen growled and you could her many guns cocking. I know that name.

Wait duh. I'm sure many people are named Eric. But I don't know.. it just feels more familiar.

"Oh come on Kristen. Don't be so rude. Let's have a look. I won't bite. Yet." Kirsten shot but missed him. "That was a warning." He said and I gripped his arms tighter. He looked back at me and made sure I was okay. "Is that her? You brought her here instead of protecting her?" Kristen's scowled. "The best way to protect her is by my side." The man laughed.

"What a gentleman. Sadly. I don't kindly to people shooting at me. If you every shot me it better be with a silver bullet." The man said. I tried to get a look at him but I heard a gun cock and all I could see was his hand point a gun directly at Kristen's head. "Much like these." That made me angry and I pushed Kristen out of my way like he was a feather. Q looked at me like I was crazy. Matt tried to grab my arm but I growled at him.

"Ah. There she is.. can't see her face well though. How about you come closer darling kitten?" I snarled at him and he chuckled. "Feisty." The man laughed.

I pointed gun at him and cocked my head to the side making the fluff I call hair fall in my face. "Who the hell do you think you are?" I asked and his smile faded. "You come into my house and start demanding things, then you point a gun at my mate because he wanted to protect his pack. Frankly youre outta your god damn  mind." I laughed and stepped to him. He's almost as tall as Kristen. Dammit. "Youre tall." I huffed and studied his face. My eyes moved to his neck and my gun dropped from my hand. "Ella." Kristen growled and raised his gun. His finger was about to squeeze the trigger when a loud gasp left my mouth.

The man had a tattoo on his neck of a rose. The exact same tattoo my uncle had. In the exact same place. Now I know why he's so familiar. "Uncle Eric?"

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