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Ellas POV

As soon as I woke up I remembered last night. "." I whispered but he wasn't there. I noticed I still had on the same clothes as yesterday. I stripped down and took a bath. A hot one. I was relaxing when I remembered what happened yesterday in this tub. I shivered at the thought and tried to push it was but I had seen his.. and then he caught me.

I went to the closet now filled with clothes. I could tell Q had some say in the clothes cause some where my style and some were his. I picked out something he would wear. (Above.) It was actually really cute. I pulled my hair into to hella big puff and decided to go through the whole closet. I found way more than I thought was in there jewelry that looked like is deserves to belong to a queen. Diamonds galore. Jewels I can't even believe I'm holding. Then I get to the last two drawers. My style stuff.

All from my favorite movies and just things I find cool. I put on the Pirates of the Caribbean coin and thats it.

Then I went to look for Kristen. I went to his office, which was oddly locked, I asked people and only got ignored then complemented on my outfit, I didn't mind that part. So then I did the only thing left. I sniffed him out to a part of the castle I don't know. Then down a hall that was secluded. Not other rooms anywhere near it. At the end a metal door. I hesitantly open it and there are more fricken stairs.

I'm so glad I went against trying heels. The closer I got to the bottom the worst it smelled and the darker it got. It smelled of dampness and.. blood. I cringed but kept going because his smell was getting stronger. Then I walked past many cages some of which had people in them. They stared and flinched. Some of the creatures I've never seen. Some with wings some with serpent eyes and tongues. I jumped when a scream sounded from further down. Once I passed the cages I got to rooms with silver doors. Silver.

Must be for werewolves that pissed him off. The only thing scaring me the most is how unbothered I am by this. I should have ran by now. I get closer the a room with a steel door and it's wide open. Seeing what's inside makes me freeze. Mike. Tied up with silver chains visibly and as disgusting as it is, audibly burning his skin. He was burned and cut.. looked like shit if I do say so myself. Kristen and and Quinn surrounded him. Kristen held a blow torch. "I'm gonna ask you one more time. What made you think it was alright beat a child for seven years straight?" When Mike didn't answer him he turned on torch and held it against his cheek. I cringed inwardly at the smell and sound it created. The scream that came from him. "I don't think he'll be able to talk if his cheek is burned off." I mumbled without thinking. You could see Kristen tense up before he turned around.

"Ella." Kristen said as if he couldn't believe it was me. "I'm just saying. I think he's gonna need his cheek to talk." I said with a shrug and walk over to them. Without even the slightest bit hesitation I squatted in front of Mike and moved his head to the side with my thumb. "See. You burnt right through his cheek. How do you expect him to talk after that?" I asked looking up and all three men who were looking at me as if I had three heads.

"What the fuck?" I heard Quinn whisper and it made me laugh. I stood up and looked around. "I didn't even know this was down here. Though I could have guessed since I've read ever book about mafias there could be. I like the violence for some odd reason. On all four walls where tons of weapons. "How did you get down here?" Kristen asked finally asked snapping out of his.. trance?  "Your smell." I said in a duh tone and pulled a pretty katana off the wall. "This is nice." I whispered and twirled it around. "Get out..?" Quinn said like he was unsure. Kristen gave him a look and he shrugged.

"It's funny because Eloise has a weapon fetish." He said and I scoffed. "I do not. A fetish is a sexual desire from something. Like spanking." I said purposely looking at Kristen. "It's more of a.. deep interest." I said. "Kristen please stop staring at me like it's impossible for me not to be bothered by this. It's not okay? Ive seen this before." I gestured to Mike. "And where was this?!" Kristen asked and I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't remember.

"I-I don't remember but that's not what matters." I said swinging the katana in the air but quickly put it back on the wall when I almost drop it. "I don't want you down here!" He yelled and I flinched. "Dont. Yell. At me." I growled.. more like Erza growled. "I'm sorry." He sighed. "Ella leave." I scoffed.

"Kristen! I don't care what they think about it. I'm your mate not theirs. I'm their Luna and unless they want to piss me off anything said in here with stay in here. What did I tell you?!"

"Ella fucking christ." He whispered. "Say it Kristen​." I said. He sighed. "My pack, your park. Our pack.." I uncrossed my arms. "Our pack." Quinn let out a squeal.

"You guys are so cute it's gross!" He teased and I rolled my eyes. "Kristen. Is he alive?" I rushed out noticing Mike wasn't moving. "Shit!" Kristen growled and kicked him. Mike groaned. "Damnit Ella." He sighed noticing the look on my face. He grabbed my arm but not hard and literally dragged me out of the room. He told Q and Xander to clean it up. Hey. That's his name. I guess he thought that his dragging was too time consuming cause he picked me up and didn't speak to me at all until we got to our room where he set me down and gave me this look.

"Kristen. Cool down. I don't care about it." He didn't say anything. "Ella.. you trust me?" I sighed and looked at my feet. "Obviously." I mumbled. "I never wanted you to see me like this." He gestured to his blood covered self. "But you don't mind me seeing you masturbate?" I thought to myself and he stared at me his cheeks turning pink.

Oh my god. So cute. Wait.. did I say that out loud? He turned and went into the bathroom coming back with boxers on. "I knew you saw that." I couldn't look him in the face. "Was it up to your standards?" "What?" "Was it up to your standards?" I gawked at him who was know smirking.

"It's not my fault you were horny." I said standing and walking towards the door to leave but his voice stopped me. "Yes it was! You were the one moaning and shit." "Language!" "You said fuck last night!" "So. You were pissing me off." "So. Lady's don't curse." "It was slip of the tongue. Don't turn this on me and change the subject!" "What was I supposed to do? Walk around with a boner?!" "No. But you could have closed the door! No one told you to leave the door open!"

"No one told you to spy!" "I was not!" We were to to toe now. "You gave me a boner." He stated and I huffed. "Stop saying that!" "What? Boner?" "Yes." I whined.
"Well when you have a girlfriend with an ass like this-" He lifted me up by my waist and wrapped my legs around his waist before smacking my butt with both hands.

I let out a small yelp and smacked his chest. "Put me down you barbarian!" He shook his head. "Like I was saying. If you were a guy with a girlfriend with an ass like yours." He squeezed my backside. "Breast like these." He said and shoved at face in my chest. "KRISTEN!" "And a face like yours." He  kissed my nose. "Then you would have a constant boner." I couldn't say anything. "Did I tell you I love your eyes?" He whispered. "I like that whenever​ I compliment you your eyes get all twinkly and you try to hide it. I love the one dimple you have and when you smile. I love you." He said and I turned my head away. "Look at me Ella." I did. "I love you. You don't have to say it back I just wanted you to know." "I know Kris." I said and pressed my forehead to his. "Can I have a kiss now?" He asked with a smirk. I went for his cheek but he turned his head so it landed on his lips. "Ugh!" I huffed and smacked his chest again.

"I see you explored your closet." He said tugging on my jacket. "I did. Thank you." He scowled which made me frown in confusion.  He sighed. "I don't like you saying thank you. I'd do anything for you. No thanks needed." I just nodded. "You're still gonna say it." I nodded and he sighed again. "I have training today so unless you want accompany me, I have to go." "Put me down." I said and he did. What's wrong?" "Nothing." I laughed at the look on his face. "Okay." He said like he didn't believe me. "I'm going to take a shower. You can join me in that as well." He said with a smirk.

Cheeky boy.

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