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I went upstairs after about and hour and talking to myself. Q had obviously fallen asleep and I'm tired too. When I turned the doorknob to his room it wouldn't budge. I knocked before pushing my ear up to the door and heard chuckling. "Open the door." I whined but he didn't.

"Dont be a jerk, you jerk." I mutter and very slowly walked towards Kristen's room. He looked like he was asleep again so I went and took a shower and put on a hoodie and my Hello Kitty shorts. Then I slipped under the cover
s. I was drifting off to sleep when a strong arm flipped me over and pinned me to his chest. "Kristen!" I gasped and he chuckled which made his chest vibrate. "Спать." He whispered.

His Russian is so sexy. "Dont tell me to sleep." He opened one eye. "You speak Russian." He mumbled and pulled me impossibly closer. "I do." "Why?" I gave him a confused look. "Why not?" "I just mean is there a reason. Have you ever been to Russia?" "My dad wanted me to be bilingual. I know Spanish, Italian, Russian, and English of course." I said and he opened both eyes. "Wow. That must have taken time." "Since birth." "Can I ask you something?" "You just did." I teased. He grumbled.

"Why was your finger in my belly button?" "Um.." I hummed and wiggled uncomfortably. "I was just looking at you tattoos and I'm not gonna lie I felt you up." He smirked.

"Just couldn't keep your hands off me." He chuckled and I frowned. "It's nice to hear your voice again." He whispered. "Why do you know Italian?" I asked and he went quiet. "Well.. as you know I own a very big pack.. and there are other rather large packs that are from different parts of the world and speak different languages. The Italians are our biggest enemies." He said as if he was unsure. "Are you sure?" I chuckled.

"Yeah I was just thinking. See.. they aren't our enemies but they sure as hell aren't our friends." He clarified. "I see.. does it bother you that I'm Italian?" I asked and he sat up. "No." He said suddenly angry. "I was just asking." I said slowly sitting up. "Nothing about you could ever bother me okay?" He asked and cupped my face.

I nodded and stared into his eyes. "Good." We went to sleep after that and I had a damn good dream.

I woke up because someone was poking me. "If you don't stop I'll stab you in the eye with my finger." I said holding up my middle finger. "Well then." Kristen's voice mumbled out before I felt myself rolling off the bed.

"You turd." I squealed before I hit the floor. When I sat up he was laughing his butt off. Let me tell you, his laugh, oh my goddess. I sighed and stood up. He wants to play games with me then fine. I grabbed a random outfit out of the drawers and stormed toward the bathroom slamming the door. "Eloise." Kristen said in sing sing outside of the bathroom. I ignored him and opened the towel closet. My jaw dropped. There's a whole other room with a shower. I silently​ screaming in happiness and did a little dance. Oh my god and its a rainfall shower. Yes!

Are.. really excited over shower, yes? Ezra asked.

"Um. Duh." I chuckled and stripped before she could say anything else.

It was personally​ the best shower I've ever taken. I felt so clean. When I went to put on my clothes I realized they weren't actually mine. Well the leggings were but the sweater wasn't. Sure is cute though. 'I'm just gonna keep it.' I thought to myself and giggled. It stopped just above my knees and the sleeves completely engulfed my hands.

Since had washed my hair and it was still wet I braided it into two braids. I trudged downstairs swinging my arms and walking into the kitchen. "Morning buttholes and women." All the guys pretended to be hurt. "You're talking." Xander, the second beta I'd learned, said. I nodded and plopped​ down on a chair which I was picked right up out of. Kristen held me up to his height by my waist. "Are you wearing my sweater?" He asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "No. I'm wearing my sweater." I said putting emphasis on my. He full out smiled now. "Wow really. I have one just like it. I smiled. "Not anymore." I mumbled and he finally sat me down before placing the biggest pancake I've ever seen in front of me. I gawked at it.

"Quinn told me you like chocolate chip pancakes." He said. "It's bigger than my head." I said and he chuckled.

"I can't eat all of this." He nodded. I thought about it for a second. "Oooh. You planned this." I giggled loudly and he froze and gave me a look of adoration. "That's was the cutest sound ever." He stated and I stopped before looking away.

"Aw. Don't stop." He whined. I couldn't help but smile. "Like I was saying, you planned this." "How so." "You want to share it." He raised an eyebrow. "Oh. No?" I asked. "That's fine." He watched me as I got up and open every drawer until I found a knife. Then cut the pancake into triangles. He was giving me a "what are you doing" look.

"You could probably eat this whole thing but I don't plan on gaining 20 pounds." I walked around and let anyone who wanted some to get a slice. "Thank you Luna Eloise." Ally, a pup that I met after a few weeks after I got here, chimed and I grimaced. Kristen must have noticed because he growled before telling everyone to leave.

I sighed and sat on the counter. In half a milli-second he was in front of me. "Ella. I know you feel it. The mate bond is ten times stronger now that you feel it." I looked away again.

Ella. Ezra sang. We like when mate says it.. She purred.

I hadn't even noticed I was just staring at his lips until he licked them which made me jump. "Ella!" He said a little too loud and I jumped again and squealed. He smiled. "You're so easily frightened. Like a newborn pup." He tease and I frowned. "So cute." He whispered then went serious. "You are the Luna." He states.

"Am I?" I shot back. "Yes, Ella you are. You are my mate and I am the alpha of this pack. You are Luna." 'Who says I want to be your mate?' I thought to myself. Hurt flooded his eyes. Did I say that out loud?!

Yeah. Ezra whispered.

Then he was gone. I didn't even have time to take it back. Dammit.

*A few hours later*

They said he left. A trip. Supposedly he does it all the time so maybe it had nothing to do with me.

She doesn't want to be my mate.. well why the fuck not?! Im a god damn catch.

I left because of the sudden rage that was breaking free. I decided to take a few days off. It really hurts. How could she even say something like that when.. when I love her. Maybe I'm being to forward. I'm just gonna go and come back. I can go see Maxx.

(Soooooooo. Who the fuck is Maxx?! Hehe. Let me just say.. he has a huge part in some major league drama.)

(July 19, 2017)

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