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Ella POV.
2 years later
(*evil laugh*)

Once I left Kris' territory I house hopped random people which lead to me nearing the beta of my now highly successful pack. Her name is Isreal. Shes a hybrid. Half witch, half wolf. Its actually really cool and she's helped the pack out a lot. She's also become like a sister to me. I love her and will care for her forever. Our pack is small pack we are actually quite feared. Were are know for being ruthless.

Ive lost count of how many packs we've fought and taken land from. I have multiple lands everywhere around America and some outside of it. My pack only consists of me and for other women. We rely on allies and each other when fighting. Like I said female alphas are rare and there's only two known, females alphas are also very powerful.

So having one on your side is good for you.

Anyways, somethings been telling me that I need to go home. By home I mean back to Kristen. This whole time I've been gone and out build my empire I haven't thought about him once but I was in Italy not to long ago and I caught a wiff of him at least it smelled like him. Ever since all I can do is think about him. All I want is him and it pissing me off. Like I was doing perfectly fucking fine on my fucking own.. with Isreal.

"Dude. Lets just.. go. I mean I would personally like to see this asshole." Isreal sighed and punched my arm. We haven't crossed the line, we're literally just sitting there. "I mean would you rather patrol see us and they come get us themselves?" "Shut up. I'm trying to think." I said softly.

"Don't cry babes. You'll be fine. I swear. I'll kick his ass."

"Yeah." The triplets chimed. The triplets are also very close to me and Isreal. They were being mistreated by there last pack so Isreal and I kicked some ass and took them with us. They are creepily in sync with each other but protect each other with their lives. They're really all the pack I need but just incase shit hits the fan I have more than enough help. "Are we going or not? I mean you made us get all dressed up for this stupid party. We shoved your beautiful but overdramatic dress in here and were just going to sit here." Isreal whined.

"Ugh. Shut up!"

"Make me."


"I just might if you don't shut the fuck up."


"Ooooh really. If like to see you try."

"I'm faster th-"


"WHAT?!" Iran and I yelled at them and they nodded in front of us.

"They found us." Isreal sang and I looked ahead and saw three wolves. "Shit. No backing out now girl." Iran laughed and I flipped her off. I revved up my beautiful mustang as acknowledgement. "Man. Fuck it." I huffed and hit the gas and sure enough they moved out of the way. Iran looked back. "They're following. Probably want to make sure we're supposed to be here." We all looked back. "They look upset." The triplets growled.

"Just calm it down." I said and they nodded. I looked back to see they were gone. I pulled up to the front if the house and we sat there a second. There were people in sparkly mask and dresses. Men in odd colored tux and simpler mask. They were going inside so we made it just in time.

I unbuckled my seat belt and looked around. "Mask on lady's."

"I feel like oceans eight."
Isreal winked at me and smiled.


"He lives in a castle too? You two disgust me." "Love you too Isreal." She held my hand as we walked up the steps with triplets in matching dresses but different mask.

"Inside it was the same minus all of the people. It even smelled the same. "Our castles bigger." She sang and I rolled my eyes. "Our dresses are nicer than everyone's here." The triplets chuckled and I glared back at them. "Oh. Now point out your future husband so we can no who to avoid until the right time.

I turned in circles looking around for him. "I don't see him actually. Maybe.." "Hello." My whole body froze.


He was arm in arm with Giovanni looking as handsome as ever. I knew it was him because they had on half mask. "Hello." Isreal said.

"You are the women who were sitting at our border yes?" "Uh yes. We were just fixing our clothes." I wanted to hug him so bad. Both of them.

"Which pack are you representing?" Giovanni asked.

"We come representing the Scarlet Moon Pack." The triplets said and Quinn raised his one visible eyebrow. "That's the.. scarred alphas pack." "Indeed it is." I mumbled and he nodded. "Well you have a nice night tonight-" "Your alpha. He will attend?" Isreal asked and I squeezed her hand.

"Alpha Kay.. he doesn't like to attend parties. So no. He won't." Quinns eyes when though he should be looking very hadn't still looked... sad over and I lost it. I grabbed his arm and Gio and dragged him to a more secluded part of the hall. Irseal took off her mask.

"Who the hell is this guy? Is this Quinn?" She asked and the triplets took their mask off in unison.

"Ooh. The famous Q tip." They laughed and Quinn looked so confused. Giovanni stepped in front of him. "How do you know his name?" I pulled my mask off and it was silent.

"What the fuck.." And then I was being crushed in a hug.

"Well hi to you too Quinn." I huffed and hugged him back. "Holy shit. Holy. Shit. You-" He pointed a finger at me. "I'm going to kill you. Do you have any fucking idea what it's been like without you? Do you even know all the shit you caused?" Quinn scolded me even though he hugged me.

"Okay. Be mad at me later. I need to see Kris."

"Oh my goddess yeah. Kristen.. oh my godess no. He's.. in his office right now and he tends to get a bit violent. You disappearing was his breaking point. He looks and acts like a caveman."

"I don't care. I want to see him." I said a little forceful and he put his hands up. "Okay Ms. Leaves for two years and comes back ten times bitchier. I'm just saying he could technically try to kill you and I wish I was joking." He said scowling and I felt bad. I'm just a little used to using my alpha voice.

"Goddess.. you stay out here. When we get there. Please. I'm not trying to get you all hurt." Isreal scoffed but listened. The triplets just nodded in unison.

"I hope you aren't talking about me when you said we because there's no way in hell I'd go in there." Quinn said glaring at me. "What's with the party downstairs if Kris is up here?"

"It's our engagement party. Which you would know if you had have even tried to tell anyone you were okay. " Giovanni said completely monotoned. The sound of glass shattering made me cringe. "You sure you want-" I slipped on my mask and opened the suprisingly unlocked door. "How do you plan on getting through the door in that dress. No offense but Jesus Christ."

"Just close to the door behind me okay?" Once in the office I looked around and saw no Kris. The room had gone completely silent. Next thing I know I'm up against the wall by my throat. "Who the fuck are you and why are you in here?" He growled. Any normal person would be scared shitless but I was indifferent. "Goddess. He wasn't joking when he said you look like a cave man." His face slowly morphed from anger into slight confusion.

He slowly lifted my mask from my face.


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