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"I already know." I stated and you could hear Kristen's heart beat skip.

I turned and squealed do to the fact that he was super close and my nose bumped into his chest. "Ella I'm sorry." He blurted. I hadn't know I was crying until Kristen wiped away a tear on my cheek. "Is this why you wouldn't talk to me, cause you knew? Because Ella I did plan on telling you but when you were stronger cause doc said.." He started rambling off about how he did want to hurt me blah blah.

"..and my dad. My dad didn't find his mate until he was 32 and I felt like I wouldn't find you and just to let you know I married her when I was 19. Young and dumb. I thought I wanted her but I didn't. I only tolerate her because Maxx and then there's the part where she knows about my s-"

I kissed him.


I did. I kissed him.

One, to shut him up and two because I really wanted to so.. win, win. He didn't kiss back at first which worried me so I pulled away for like one second and he grabbed my waist, yanking me to him and kissed me hard. Oh but it was good. He licked my bottom lip and I sighed and pulled away only to burst out laughing.

Maxx was sitting at the table with his hands over his eyes. "He's the absolute cutest little boy ever." I gushed. Maxx ran over and gave me a hug. His hands landing smack dab on my butt. Kristen squatted beside him. "Excuse me sir but I do believe you've touch something that doesn't belong to you."  I glared at Kristen who whined. I smirked and picked Maxx up. "He's 3 Kristen."

'Is it weird that I feel comfortable around him. Even a little protective.' I asked in my head.

Maxx poked my lip which snapped me out of my thoughts. "What are you doing?" I giggled and he blush. So fricken cute. "Do you want.. a kiss?!" I smiled and attacked his cute little cheeks with kisses. Laughter filled the kitchen before my obviously envious mate was going playfully grabbed Max from me and to my surprise he started bawling, just automatic tears.

Kristen handed him back to me and he stopped crying. I stuck my tongue out at Kristen. "Oh. Yeah uh.. I was wondering if we could serve like a really big lunch for the whole pack?"

He gave me an odd look. "Uh yeah. You know where the main kitchen is right? Just tell them what you want and they'll make it." He said and I nodded. "Do you wanna go with me or daddy?" I asked Maxx and he clung to me. Kristen rolled his eyes. "She's my mate lil man. You're going to have to let go sometime."

Once we got to the main kitchen I asked them to make turkey pinwheels and lots of finger sandwiches. Max wanted Lunchables so I asked for lunchables. "Oh. Don't forget daddies favorite." "Daddys favorite? What's daddy's favorite?" "Nutzilla." "Nutzilla?" I look at one of the chefs who smile. "He means Nutella." "Kristen likes Nutella." I stated and smiled. "Make a few nutzilla sandwiches for him to please." I said. "As you wish Luna Eloise." I was going to correct him but didn't. I saw a whole bunch of people in his back yard.

Which was like the size of New York. Just saying. It's huge. Turns out most of the pack doesn't even live in the main house. There are many other houses. I saw a small group of children playing so I told him to go play while I find Kristen.

He was standing under a tree but his back was to me so I snuck up on his and wrapped his my arms around his waist. "Why are you not mingling with your pack?" I whispered. I felt him relax. "Our pack little mate." I groaned​ as he turned to face me. "Fine. Why aren't you mingling with our pack?" I huffed and his eyes widened. "What?" He asked as if he heard something unbelievable. "What what?" I chuckled. He opened his mouth. "Eloise," I frowned. "Whyd you kiss me?" This guy.

"Why not? You are my mate. I couldn't possibly reject you.. plus you were talking way too much." I said. He looked confused. "It's like something snapped in me when I found out you had been married and have a child. It hurt Kris. It did." He cringed. "But I mean.. you're from Russia and I'm from Italy. What if we never had have found each other. Then what would have happened. I didn't think I'd find my mate Kristen. Neither did you but you found me. You're sure as heck gonna keep me after all this trouble you put me through. Might as well keep you." I said then fake sighed.

"So.. you don't hate me?" He asked. "Oh of course I do." I said sarcastically.

Before I knew it I was thrown over his shoulder. "Put me down you.. heathen." I screeched and he chuckled. "Question. Do you ever say any other curses. I've heard you say damn, whore I guess, and hell but.. that's it I believe." He said. And now we're going up stairs.

"Any other curses would be far too inappropriate for me being a lady to say out loud." He chuckled again. Next thing I knew I was sitting in a chair in a rather bland office.

"Ella. You aren't that innocent you were with Matt." He said as a matter of factly and leaned on the desk in front of me. "What do you mean? Of course I had a boyfriend. But we didn't do anything. I mean. We kissed and we have seen each other naked but that is all."

Now he was a bit upset. "Ella how old are you?" "About to be nineteen. But you know that." I said slowly. "And you expect me to believe you are just completely innocent?" "Well I would n-" "I know Matt." When he said that I stood up and blinked away a few tears. Tears of anger that is.

Don't judge me. I'm sensitive. "It's like.. you can only be nice for so long until you revert back to being a.." I couldn't think of a word plus my voice cracked.

His face softened. "Princess I'm sorry." He said I jumped when his arm wrapped around me. I stiffened and didn't move. "Matt never touched me like that. No one has ever touch me in that way Kristen. I-" "I know. I know I'm sorry. It's just.. women. The woman I've been with have never been as innocent as you. None. It's hard to believe that I have you.. you're so beautiful and no doubt men have been all over you yet you choose to keep yourself innocent for one man you didn't even think you'd meet? Its hard to believe." He said with a nervous chuckle.

"Yes. I did not save myself for you and I truly.. truly regret it. I've never felt what I feel for you towards another woman. Ever. I thought I felt it for Dana but I was wrong. Please forgive me Ella." I could really speak so I nodded. He squeezed me tighter.

Our relationship is gonna be a bipolar roller coaster. ⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆⬇⬆

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