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**Three days since Kristen left***
*Eloise pov*

Where is he? This bond is horrible. I feel so sad without him and he hasn't even marked me yet. He did this on purpose.. wait. I shot up out of my set on the couch. My heart skipped a beat. He's back. I didn't run. I more like walk at a rather fast pace but stopped just a few steps behind him.


I smell perfume. Cheap perfume at that. Did he sleep with someone because of what I said? A wave of pain hit me. Literal pain. I couldn't help but cry out because it felt like I was being stabbed in my heart. He spun around before running to my side. "Ella what's wrong?" I shoved him away hard. "Stay away from us." My voice layered as if 2 people were talking at the same time. Ezra was pissed too. "Ell-" "Don't. Call. Me. Ella!" I yelled. Someone new was beside me now. I was shaking now. On my knees, my head on my thighs. "What did you do?!" Quinn's furious voice growled.

It's rare that he's angry. You could hear him sniff the air before sighing. "Kristen leave." He said as calm as possible. Kristen was about to argue. "It's you dumbass. You're hurting her. Go away! " He basically yelled. You could here Kristen get up and leave. The pain in my hear subsided. Quinn helped me to his room and told me not to move.

I heard him kick the door in to Kristen's room and slam it behind him. "Where the fuck have you been?!" "You are not in any place to ask-" "My best friend is in pain because you left for three days and come back smelling like hookers!" He yelled. They were all the way down the hall but I was eavesdropping with my advanced hearing. "What?!" "You smell like a hooker perfume. You did all this shit. You kidnapped her and all that bull then go and cheat?!" Something was smashed. "Shut up! I didn't cheat. I was with Maxx and Dana." He growled.


"Shit man.. fuck Kay. She doesn't know does she? This is gonna break her heart. I completely forgot about that." Quinn whispered. "I don't even know what she'll do." After I heard Max and Dana I'd already made my way to the room but now I was just standing there. "I know okay. I know. She's gonna hate me."

I moved closer to the door.

"Yeah.. no shit. I forgot all about em. How are ya gonna tell her. Just gonna walk up to her and say. I was married for 3 months oh and I have a 3 year old son."

My stomach dropped.



Those words hit me hardest. I kneeled over in pain but covered my mouth before backing away from the door. In the process I tripped and with my luck I knocked down a vase. Today is not a good day. The last think I remember before the pain made me black out was the horrified look on Kristen's face

**Kristen's POV**

As soon as I heard her scream and glass breaking my classes were out. When I said Ella's body on the floor my heart stopped. I wanted to pick her up and hold her. I made eye contact with her just before she blacked out. All I saw was pain and sadness.

** 29 hours later**

"Alpha Kristen. Luna is stable." The pack doctor said but his face held fear and sorrow. I've been destroying stuff ever since they got her into the medical wing. I want to see my mate.

"Luna is.. in bad condition. Many wires and cables are hooked up to her.

" Alpha the pain isn't bring directly cause my you so to speak. Her wolf.. it's fighting the bond you have with her. Wich is common for a wolf to do if it's bomd was.. stained by adultery. I suggest you keep her away from stressful situations. Also she needs to start physical training. ASAP."

Stressful situations.. shit. I'd already asked Dana to bring Maxx. Shit shit shit. I cant tell Ella I have a son. I thought you know I'd let her hang around him for a while then.. tell her so she won't immediately reject him. According to our law if the mate of a mate who has children with anyone aside from them they can legally kill them.

Even though Eloise doesn't seem like the type to kill a child I don't really know her wolf. "When will she wake up?" "She is going to be in and out. So I wouldn't know." He said and I wanted to strangle him. "Can I see her?" Doc nodded and I strode towards her room. She looked horrible. It was scary seeing her weak like that. And to think I'm the cause.

I reached for her hand and loved the tingling that shot through my arm. At that moment she sleepy opened her eyes up. "Eloise." She frowned. "What happened to Ella?" She asked completely catching me off guard but also making me relax. She doesn't​.. hate me? She smiles at me and squeezes my hand. Again, taking me by surprise.

"So. How bad was it? Did you see me fall? It was pathetic right? I'm to clumsy for my own good." She hums. "No. Not pathetic. Clumsy yes. You scared me." I said.

"I know. I saw you." She says and I frowned. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." She chuckled and laid back. "I'm sleepy." She sighed. I nodded and stayed quiet. She fell asleep quickly so I decided to just stay with her. She was in and out as she said. I told her about the fact that her legs are weak and she started complaining about that stairs so I told her I'd carry her and she said she'd rather die. I didn't exactly know how to feel so I laughed it off.

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