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I woke up due to the sudden lack of warmth so without opening my eyes I felt around for the some type of heat and felt a hand. I pulled on it but however it tried to pull away causing me to yank him down on the bed and roll on top of him. I heard him take a breath and cut him off before he could speak. "SHHHHHHHHH!" Then I heard the door slam open. I groaned and covered my face. "Tell em to go away." I whined and buried my face in his neck. He smells different. "Hey. You smell different." I grumbled before I was pushed off of him and fell on the floor. "Ow! What the hell Kristen if you didn't want me laying on you, you could have just said so!" I yelled and sat up off the floor. I looked up to see Kristen jacking Matt up against the wall. "What are you doing?" I asked with a monotone.

Kristen looked pissed. "I could ask you the same Eloise. If you want to cuddle someone it should be me not a member of my household." Then it dawned of me and I stared giggling. "I was wondering why you smelled different." I said and stood up and walked around the bed. "Also." I kicked Kristen in the calf. "Don't push me." I said and went to the bathroom. When I came out I was basically tackled by him. "Heyy." I whined.

"Why'd you kick me?" he asked and I giggled. "Why'd you push me?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes at me. "I walked in to see my mate snuggling with my pack member, what was I supposed to do?" "I've been snuggling with that same pack member for two years." I said and frowned at him.

"So really it shouldn't piss you off as much as it does. It was your choice by the way to have him pretend to like me just so you could keep an eye on me. Not mine." We were now just glaring at each other. "Don't worry though. It doesn't affect me at all. I only just found out the man I loved for two years didn't even like me so.. yeah." The more and more I said it the louder and louder I got. "Goddess. I just really realized just how big an butthole you are!" He looked hurt and I shoved past him. "I can't believe last night even happened. There no way in hell I'll ever accept you as my mate. Ever." I spit and slam the door to the room.

***3 months later***
(I know. Big skip but so what.)

So. I literally haven't talked to anyone since I went off on Kristen. He hasn't spoken to me or even tried. I think I really hurt him but not as much as I was by him. I always catch him staring at me, but he doesn't make a move to speak so neither do I. When I tell you I haven't laughed, cried, smiled or anything.

Since that morning I've slept with Q and stay at his side.. all the time.

Me and Q are currently watching a movie and he paused it. "El." I looked at him. "You gotta say something to him." I shook my head. He fully turned towards me. "Eloise. For the first time ever I saw Kay cry. Babe he cried over you, you know that?" He whisper yelled.

He cried. Him?

"I get he did some fucked up things but he did it to protect you. When I turned sixteen my was forced into the pack because.." He trailed off. I gave him a "because what" face. "Kristen is my uncle." He said and my eyes widened. "Yeah. But still. Once he figured out I knew you he wanted me to keep you safe. Matt was supposed to just watch from a far but he had other plans. Hence the fact that Kay clawed him."

I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him. "What does that mean?"

"He wasn't meant to be your boyfriend. He wasn't supposed to do what he did. Once I saw how much you liked him I just couldn't.." Q said.

"Kristen only cares about your safety.. yeah he messed up but don't.. don't leave him hanging." He said and turned away played the movie. I sat there for a good six seconds before getting up to find Kristen.

Are we apologizing? Ezra asked.

I nodded then froze. An amazing smell hit me in the face and Ezra started freaking out. 'Mate.'

She growled and I followed the scent to Kristen's room. I open the door without hesitation and he's sleeping. It is about 2 am. I couldn't help but stare.

Dear goddess he smells so good! I ran my fingers over his tattoos. Half his chest is covered and his right arm. I hadn't noticed my finger was in his belly button until he grabbed my hand. "What the hell?" He growled and sat up. His eyes widened and then we just stared at each other.

Oh. My. God.

I snatched my hand away and basically ran out of the room. As soon as I get back to Quinn I punched him. "Ow. What the hell?" I opened my mouth to speak and my voice came out weird. "I stuck my finger. In his belly button." I whispered and Q blinked at me before his face started turning red. I cleared my throat. "Laugh already. A-hole. He probably thinks I'm weird now. I mean.. he was sleeping and I had my finger in his belly button. I didn't even notice." Q was laughing so hard.

Then his laughing stopped abruptly then followed his gaze which was focused on something behind me. I slowly turned my head and made direct eye contact with Kristen. "Leave." He snapped at Q who did exactly that. I gave him pleading eyes and he mind linked me.

*Try not to stick you finger in his belly button yeah?*

I frowned.

*I'm docking your bestie points.* Now he was pouting.

Kristen cleared his throat and Q left. Then there was like a good 5 minutes of silence before he cleared his throat and opened him mouth to speak. "I.. don't actually know what to say." He whispered to himself before smiling an oh so beautiful dimpled smile. I stood up and his smile faded.

"Im not apologizing for putting my finger in his belly button." I said as a matter of fact-ly. He gave me a very confused look before I pushed him kinda hard and he gave me another confused look. "So.. yeah. Now go back to bed." I told him and crossed my arm. For some reason he did what I said. What the hell?!

(A/N: His name is pronounced Christian, I just noticed that it could also be pronounced Christen, but that's wrong. Also need some new names. Unique names. Pls and thank you.)

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