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I turned around and he pulled at my thin shirt covering my body. I immediately stood back up and turned around. "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed and he frowned. "I told you." I didn't fully understand and I wasn't going to. I shoved him hard like I did Matt and ran. I kicked the door off it hinges and ran back the way we came. I heard a similar blood curdling roar and it only my made me run faster. I ran past Q who gave me a strange look. Then Matt, who I shoved out of my way. That's when I passed a window and saw that I was up really high. I don't remember going up any stairs. I turned around and saw Q, Matt, and Kristen running after me.

My heart felt like it was gonna explode. For some weird reason I had a big smile on my face. I turned a corner and my heart dropped. More people. I turned and the three of them were really close. I sighed and ran right threw the group. "S'cuse me." I giggled. My wolf was cheering me on. I looked back and now all of them where chasing me. Quinn was the closest though. Like he was right behind me. "Quinn don't you dare!" I yelled and he smiled. "I'm on you side Kristen's wolf loves a good chase." He informed me and I smiled as he came up beside me.

"So. On a scale from one to a hundred how mad is he gonna be when he catches me?" "Um.. 400." He said and I groaned. I hadn't noticed the stain glass window we were headed for. We were too close to stop. I tried though. I shoved Q into a wall so he stopped in time but I jumped straight through the window.

From there on it was all slow motion. I was free falling for what felt like hours. That was until I hit the.. water?! The impact knocked the wind out of me. I sank to the bottom before I regained control of my numb body. I swam back up to the top and say how far I fell. How am I not dead? And how did I get up so high. It was at the least a 5 story drop. I got out of whatever I was in and noticed it was pool. A gigantic pool. "Thank goddess." I said to my wolf who was actually very excited. She cheered for me to do it again.

The excitement was short lived because anyone who was outside were staring at me with wide eyes. It was probably because I had a huge grin on my face after falling through a window. Quinn pulled me out and decided to do a full body search. "I'm fine." I giggled and poked him. He gave me a look that made me think I had two head. "You.. you're okay?! That's all you have to say?! You could have died."

"But I didn't." I hummed.

What the is up with mister worry pants? My wolf chuckled.

I patted Quinn on the arm.

Kristen basically threw Q out of his way and grabbed me. I squealed and smacked him away. "What are you- oh look you're naked." I stated simply and he gave me the same look Q gave me. I looked down.

"You're worried about me being naked and you just fell out of a window." "Yes." I said confidently. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug and I squealed again. "I thought you were-"

"No way love. I can't die yet. The goddess has other plans for me." I chuckled he also did a full body search. "Did you hit your head?" "It's big possibility." I giggled. "No. She's just in shock." Q said and picked me up bridal style. At that I started humming "Here comes the Bride". Kristen ripped me from Q's arms. "I can carry her." I made grabby hands at Quinn. "He's nakey." I whined. Quinn made a face at Kristen. Kristen rolled his eyes and walked away with me.

***Hour time skip***

I can not believe I did that. I have no idea what was going through my head. I was currently standing in front of a calm-ish Kristen. "You. Scared. Me." He stated. I nodded. "Well that's makes two of us." I mumbled to myself.

Of course he heard and came and stood in front of me. "When did I scare you?" I closed my eyes and turned my head. "Look at me.. please." He sound so torn. "You've only been here a day and you've cause so much trouble. I don't know​ how to feel about it."

I know looked at him with pure hate in my eyes. "I caused trouble?! You basically planned the last 8 years of my life. The boy I loved turned out to be faking the whole god damn time. My best friend turned out he worked for you too. You 'bought me' which to be honest is so stupid cause if I was your mate you wouldn't have to. Which leads me to believe you're a lying perv. Also I'm eighteen so Mike doesn't even have custody over me. You waisted 500 thousand dollars! I'm not even worth it either cause you obviously don't even like me. What kinda mate punishes his mate? What were you even gonna do?" I asked and his face dropped.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I could never actually hurt you. At the most I'd spank you." He said.

My eyes widened. "S-spank me?" He nodded. "Oh. My. Goddess." I said and leaned back looking him up and down.

"What?" He asked. "You're.. you're a freak." He looked a little hurt but covered it. "Oh. Not in the mean way. I mean like freaky kinky." He sighed.

"Oh." He said. I frowned. Is he not going to deny?

Then a thought crossed my mind and I crossed my arms. "So. I'm gonna give you my looks on you. Kay? Cause you deserve it." He crossed his arms and stared at me. "You're​ a sexy-" His smirk grew. "Butthole who thinks he can get whatever he wants and basically can. I've noticed that for a alpha you sure do have a whole lotta feelings. And although you may be an butthole, you care at times which is weird. You've only been mean to me a few times which I didn't​ exactly expect but yeah." He was frowning.

"So you want me to be mean to you?!" He yelled surprising me enough to where I almost fell back. "I can be mean and heartless ok? But I've been trying so hard to be nice. It's fucking horrible okay. I want my mate to love me back but you make it hard as hell Eloise. So fine. You think it's weird that I'm nice and have feelings. So fucking be it." I was taken back. He cursed at me. Like really cursed at me. "I didn't​ say be me-"He grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room. "Stay in here until I let you out if you leave I'll catch you and hand cuff you to the bed with silver handcuffs!" He barked and slammed the door.

What did you do? My wolf whimpered at me.

Kristen's POV

She fucking called me soft. I'll show her soft. I tried. Everyone knew I was trying so hard to be nice. Fuck that. She wants to see me as I am she will. I don't care and more. 

Don't do this. Mate will hate us. My wolf warned and I blocked him out, he's more of a softy then I tried to be.

I burst into my office and ordered Q and Xavier. My betas to come and update me on what I've missed. The Italians are planning an attack. So is the Spanish Moon pack. Two days off and everyone wants to kill you. "Fine get us ready for the Spanish Moon Pack. They're closer since we're in the states and they are too. "We'll make a deal that'll keep em busy for some time. Then we attack." I said and sat back.

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