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He grinned once he finished laughing. I, on the other hand, was truly terrified.

"Why did you break his hand?" He questioned. I opened my mouth then closed it. I noticed the man behind me was no longer holding me. Now my chance. "I just wanna know why-" I kicked him in the balls and took off past him and Mike back upstairs. I had to make sure Q and Matt were okay. I almost fell when I heard a growl from behind me. It was loud and by far the scariest I've heard.

Who the hell was that?

It only made me run faster and as soon as I made it back to the loft I noticed Q and Mike had been untied. I took the time though to lock all three of the locks on the door. They both looked at me with wide eyes. "Eloise what the hell?" Q basically yelled. I was a mess.

I don't understand. Why are they here and why does he want me? I couldn't get a single word out I was a mumbling, stuttering, shaking mess. Then there was a loud bang which made me jump and let out a high pitched shriek. Matt picked me up and ran upstairs. Q followed and just as we made it into Q's room gun shots sounded and the door was kicked open. Matt stuffed me and Quinn into his closet. I grabbed him. "Where are you going? You can-" He cut me off with a look locked us inside.

You could hear multiple feet running up the stairs. They kicked open the door and Q pulled me farther into the back of the closet. "Where the hell is she?!" A thick Russian accent roared. You could hear Matt saying something but I couldn't make it out, growling, and a body drop.

Quinn covered my mouth as I sobbed. The door to the closet was opened as if it wasn't even locked. Before anyone could even touch me I was going for Matt's body.

"Matt." A bloody slash was going through his chest. I felt my heart beat picking up. "You son of a bitch!" I screamed as hot tears streamed down my face.

"L'hai ucciso!
You killed him!

The man seemed unfazed and glared at Q before I jumped in front of him.

"No. Per favore non farlo. Per favore. Farò tutto quello che vuoi."
No. Please do not do it. Please. I will do whatever you want.

He cocked his head to the side. "Come." He commanded but my legs wouldn't do it.

"Ho detto venire."
I said come.

He spoke to me in Italian. He then grabbed my arm and dragged me from the room before I stopped. The man looked back at me like he was surprised I defied him. Too scared to speak I just looked down at me bare legs and then all the men around. My tears still flowing like an infinite river.

He sighed again and mumbling something I couldn't hear. "Go.. put on some pants." As soon as he let me go I quickly shuffled to my room with him right behind me and pulled out some random fluffy Hello Kitty night pants.

I looked at all the men amongst them was Quinn who they had by the arms. I stared at the with my clothes in my hands hoping they would understand. Q huffed after a few seconds and everyone looked at him. "Shes not gonna change in front of you all " He said and the Russian man glared at Q and looked at me with a sigh. They all left and I pulled on the pants fast. They were right outside the door which scared the life out of me. I noticed Q and the man were gone. The man that were in front of my door had their backs to me so I slipped behind them and ran down the hall just to hear Q whispering in Russian.

Since when did he speak Russian?!

(I really don't feel like typing out this conversation in Russian.)

"You weren't supposed to hurt him." He said.

The man grunted.

"He was in my way."

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