I Just Can't Do This... (Usnavi x Reader)

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Prompt: 36. "Does he know about the baby?"
Requested: Otakulover411
Info: You sleep with Usnavi, and soon later you find out your pregnant. You don't tell him because your worried about him not understanding. Then, he catches you and Vanessa talking about it.
I knew something wasn't right, even the next morning. In a mix of drugs, alcohol and sexual tension, I slept with Usnavi. The next morning when I woke up I felt weird. Then, out of no where I got this.. Feeling on my gut, causing me to throw up. I got to the toilet just in time.

After a while, I felt someone grasp my hair and pull it away from the toilet and my face. I stop and wipe my face. I sigh and see Usnavi with my hair in his hands. He smiles and let's go.

"You ok (Y/n)?" He asks me. I nod and stand up. He takes my hand and makes sure I can stand up straight. He kisses my forehead and walks out. Out of the room. Out of my apartment.

Just like I knew he would. I sigh and lay on the bed in the corner of my Barrio apartment. The one where me and Usnavi.. Had sex. I shake my head and sit up. I look at the clock on my wall and see Usnavi's shift ends starts on ten minutes.

Then I take off racing. To the Bodega. To get a pregnancy test. As I walk into the doors I see Sonny at the counter. I grab a test and throw money on the counter and walk out. Perfect. Change.

After getting home I lock the dead bolt and walk into the bathroom. I open the test and read how to tell if its positive. I take put the sick and take the test.

Two lines... Oy my god. Oh my god no.. I-I can't be..

I set the test down and walk out of the bathroom, back at presentable for public (She pulled up her pants XD). I pace around my bedroom, wondering what to do. Tears trickling down my face.

I soon start choking on my own tears. I slouch down the wall, crying and sobs racking my body. I rake my hands through my hair over and over again. I contemplate my options and work out who too tell. Then a name comes to mind.


I snap my fingers and get up. I wipe my eyes. I open the lock on my door and walk out. Practically sprinting to Vanessa's apartment. I take a breath and knock on the door. The door opens and I fall into Vanessa's arms crying.

"(Y/n)? Honey what's wrong?" She says, making me look at her.

"U-Usnavi and m-me had.. S-Sex and I-I'm p-preg-g.." I choke. She gasps and holds my tighter. I can't finish. I can't face that I'm.. I'm.. Oh my god...

"Oh honey.. Does he know about the... The baby?" I shake my head. She sighs. My legs become limp and so do I. Vanessa catches me and sits me on the floor, me in her arms.

"I'll always be her for you (Y/n).. I can help you tell him."

"Grand way for me to find out, huh?" A voice growls behind me. I look up and see him at the door way. I gasp and hide behind Vanessa.

"Usnavi.. Not now." Vanessa snarls. "Leave her alone for now. Please"

"I'm sorry?! What are you guys talking about?! (Y/n).. Is it true?" He asks. I nod and he curses to him self. I start crying again and Vanessa grabs my, pulling me to her.

"I-I'm sorry.. I-I'm so, so sorry Usnavi.. I-I didn't.. I-I... I just can't do this.. I-I'm n-not ready.." I stutter while sobbing.

"No. It's my fault. I was stupid to not use protection. I-I'm the one that should be sorry (Y/n)." He says. "It will be ok (Y/n). We'll do this together, alright?"

I look up at him, and inch away from Vanessa. He smiles and reaches out his hand. I grab it and he helps me up.

"Wanna go to the Bodega? I'll by you a soda pop." He says. "But nothing with caffeine. I want to be sure of it before I give you something with caffeine."

I laugh and so does Vanessa.

I can't believe that I'm.. Pregnant.


FIRST REQUEST! I hope you enjoyed it!

Love you all, and as always, Keep Reading!


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