Requested: homieMarkimoo
Prompt: 3. "Am I supposed to be scared of you?"
Info: Ok, so I made it as if he didn't kill Chandler, Kurt, and Ram so I could make it so its after those events with him being alive.
~~~"(Y/n)? What's wrong." Veronica asks me as I continue to huff and pace around her room.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it." I huff, trying to make her stop asking questions.
"Obviously, something is wrong if your making your palms bleed from pushing you finger nails into them." She says, walking over to me and taking my hands apart.
"Oh shit.. I didn't even notice. I'm so sorry." I say, wiping the blood from my palms with my fingers. She waves it off.
"Now, what's wrong?" She asks. I sigh and sit on her bed. Then I hear the window open and someone saying: "Greeting and Salutations."
"Son of a bitch.." I huff. I roll my eyes and stand up, getting ready to walk out of the room. I feel an arm and Veronica talking to the man.
"JD, I can't talk right now, so just sit outside the window, k?" She says. I cover up a snicker with a sigh of relief. I hear a "yea, sure" and the window open again.
"So, what's your problem with JD?" She asks me when the widow closes.
"It happened at school today, but you were to busy with the Heathers to notice." I sigh. She sighs to and grabs my hands.
"What happened?" She asks. I sigh again and begin the story...
I'm walking down the halls alone, hoping Veronica will walk up to me at any moment. I hug my books close to my chest as I walk into the bathrooms. But before I'm able to, an arm cuts me off from walking in.
I see JD towering over me and I take a step forward to walk past, but he pushes me to the ground. I huff in anger as he snickers.
"What the hells your problem?" I practically growl. He laughs.
"I should be asking you the same thing." He says. "Veronica tells me you have a problem with me."
"And if I do? She's best friend, I'm trying to protect her. She like a sister to me." I spit. "And even if I didn't like you, I would tell you to your face."
He pulls he off the ground by my collar. He looks me right in the eyes, expecting me to flinch. But I don't.
"Am I supposed to be scared of you?" I ask, my voice unwavering. He growls and throws me down on the ground harder causing me to hit my head on the tile outside the bathroom. I groan in pain and sit up.
"I'll give you something to be scared of." He says anger shooting from his voice and eyes. "Once Veronica gets used to the attention of the click that is the Heather's, she'll forgot about you and me. We'll be history to her."
"Ok, so one minute your making my head pulsate from pain and the next your helping me by.. What warning me?" I say, adrenaline and anger shooting from my brain. He grunts in reply. He picks me up by my collar again, but instead of glowering at me he kisses my lips. Just once though, before walking away, leaving me standing in shock.
"... And that's my problem with him." I say, sorrow and shame in my voice. She gets and goes to the window, stepping out into the night. I hear shouting and a fist hitting a face, a grunt in pain, and a loud thud.
I step out and see JD in the flowerbed beneath the window.
So I can't help but laughing.
This ones pretty good too, but I still like the Chandler one better. ❤❤❤ Love ya Liniki ❤❤❤~~Griffon~~

Musicals x Reader One-Shot Book! (Completed!!)
FanficI've wanted to do this for a while, so I did! I will be doing Musicals like; Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Even Hansen, Wicked, Little Shop Of Horrors, and Kinky Boots. You can request until I have too many. So, enjoy!!!! THIS BOOK IS C O M P L E T E D...