Every Step (Aaron Burr x Fem!Reader)

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Requested: Frostpelt1275
Prompt:c 293. "Twins? We're...we're having twins?!"
Info: Your Prego with Burrs Babies.
It had been a few months since my husband, Aaron, and I had conceived. A baby is something we've wanted and it was finally happening. I couldn't help smiling to my self. I look up at Aaron, my head being on his lap, and smile at him.

He looks down at me and kisses my forehead. A blush creeps onto my (S/c) cheeks and I giggle. He chuckles and looks back at the TV.

"Hey Aaron?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He answers back.

"When we're able to find out the gender of the baby, do you want to? Or do you wanna wait?" He hesitates before answering.

"I want to know. I want to know if I'm gonna have a little girl or a little boy to take care of." He says honestly. I smile and nod in agreement.

"Tomorrow is our first appointment." I say. He nods and puts his hand on my expanding belly. I smile and put my hand on his, gripping it a little. He smiles and we continue to stare at the TV.

~~The next morning~~

I awake to a wave of nausea and a rush of soreness in my throat makes me jump out of bed and to the bathroom across the hall. I ran across the hall and just make to the toilet to relieve my self from the pain in my stomach.

I hear footsteps and worried breaths walking toward me. As I finish, I feel a hand on my back, rubbing it ever so slightly.

"I'm ok. I'm ok. It's just morning sickness, I'm ok." I tell him as I stand up. He flushes the toilet while I wipe my face and rinse my mouth.  He stands behind me, wrapping his arms on my ever growing stomach and puts his head on the crook of my neck.

"You ok, (Y/n)?" He asks in a low voice, sending shivers down my back. I giggle and push him off.

"Have you ever seen me not ok?"  He chuckles and shakes his head.

"In the ten years I've known you, I have never seen you not ok. But that doesn't mean you have to hide when your not." I smile and lean my head on his.

~To The Doctors Office~

As we wait in the small waiting room, I look around and see how I may look when nine mouths are up. Women with bellies the size of a watermelon and bellies he size of a small bowl litter the room. As I look around, I put my hand on my small growing belly, suddenly self consensus of it. I feel a hand on mine and I look over at my husband.

"Your self consensus, aren't you?" He asks and I nod. He smiles and kisses my forehead with his soft lips. I smile at him and rub my small belly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Burr?" A lady calls, causing me to stand up and walk with Aaron in toe.

"How are we today, Mrs. Burr?" The lady asks.

"Good. Normal morning sickness." I chuckle. She smiles and motions for access to my belly. I nod and she pulls up my shirt.

"This is going to be a bit cold, so be warned." I nod and look over at Aaron, siting in the chair and starring at the floor, lost in thought. She puts some on the belly, causing me to jump and yelp quietly, alerting Aaron.

"Wow. That is pretty cold." I huff a bit. Aaron stands up and comes to my side, softly grabbing my hand. She finishes rubbing it throughout my belly, and puts the wand thing on the middle of the expanding bump.

She moves it along my belly, showing the small things inside my belly. The nurse smiles and motions to the monitor.

"They're they are!" She smiles and points them out.

"What do you mean 'They'?" I ask. She chuckles and smiles.

"Baby one and baby two." She says. I can feel the color rush out of my face.

"So your saying..." I start.

"Your having twins!" She tells us happily. I hear a loud thump and see Aaron on the floor. I gasp and get up out of the chair.

"Aaron!" I yell and help him up. He looks at me, and I can see the pure horror in his eyes. The lady clears her throat and motions to the chair. I get back in he chair and allow her to finish.

She walks out to develop the pictures of the babies and I sit next to Aaron. He looks down and I lift his head so he can look at me.

"I'm not ready for twins (Y/n). I cant do this." He says while shaking his head. I kiss his forehead and look at him.

"We'll be ok. And I swear we will be fine." I tell him. "I will be with you every step of the way. I promise him.

"Every step?"

"Every step."


But God, does school sucks.


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