Like A Bad Penny (Heather McNamara x Fem!Reader)

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Requested: Ayrissa_Christensen
Prompt: 76. "I can't... I can't lose you."
Info: heather m x  female reader

they are married

the reader was in a bad car crash and is in a coma heather thinks she is dead
"Where is she?!" I screech as I sprint into the hospital. The nurses immediately surround me and try to calm me down. "Where is my wife?!"

"M'am, we are going to need you to calm down." One of the nurses tells me.

"Where is she?? W-Where-" I try to finish, but my words get cut off by a choked sob. I fall to the ground and collapse in a mess of tears and sobs.

The nurses back away for a minute before asking me who I'm looking for.

"(Y-Y/n) McNamara.. she's my wife.." I tell them quietly. "P-Please tell me she's a-alive." I stutter out.

One of the nurses helps me up and takes me to (Y/n)'s room, where she's hooked up to machine after machine. I sob again when I look at her face.

It's hardly recognizable. Her normally beautiful face of (S/c) skin, is now harsh shades of purple, blue, red, and pink. Her eyes show none of her (E/c) eyes, because her eyelids are swollen shut. Her normally perfectly colored lips are swollen and put back together with stitches.

"I... I am so sorry Mrs. McNamara..." The nurse says sadly as she walks out. I back up against the wall and slide down, my hands covering my face as I continue to sob.

After what feels like hours of crying on the wall, I stand up and walk slowly toward the chair positioned between the bed. I sit down and pull my legs up to my chest, using my favorite yellow cardigan to wipe my tears.

I pull the sleeve up higher in my arm and cover my mouth and nose, sniffing gently as sleep starts to take over.

Over the course of a month, many people come and visit (Y/n) in the hospital. Chandler and Duke came almost every day. Same with Veronica and JD.

They always came with something. Food, water, blankets. I didn't leave the hospital. They said she was in a coma, so I didn't want to risk her waking up and me not being there.

The nurses desperately wanted me to go home, because most of the time I didn't get more than an hour of sleep at night.

To say I was a wreck, was a major understatement.

Everyday I would talk to her, telling her how much I love her, how many people come to visit her and make sure I'm ok, how little sleeping I'm getting and how much she would scold me.

"(Y/n)... I miss you..." I sniff. "It gets harder everyday to see you laying there, completely lifeless and still. It kills me.."

I sigh and take her hand in mine, which is still a light shade of purple. I kiss it gently and keep my lips there, not wanting to let go of her.

A couple nights later, I'm sitting with the lights off, on my phone when I hear a deep breath. I sit and look up, turning the light on in an instant. I start to think I'm imagining things, but then (Y/n) let's out a groan in pain.

"Nurse! She woke up!" I yell into the hallway before rushing to (Y/n)'s bed. The nurses surround the bed, pushing me away and making sure (Y/n) is ok.

Once they leave, I rush to her bed and collapse next her.

"H-Heather..?" She croaks out, her voice horse and scratchy from no use.

"I-I'm right here baby.." I sob. "I'm right here.."

"W-What... how long have I been here..?" She asks.

"You've been out for over a month.." I tell her, cuddling into her side carefully. "You were in a really bad car crash."

"Have you gone home at all?.." she asks, crinkling her nose as she smells my clothes.

"I didnt want to risk you waking up and me not being here.. I would of hated my self if I'd let that happen."

"I wouldn't of.." she mumbles.

"I didn't want to leave you.." I tell her. She hums in response. "God I thought I was going to lose you (Y/n).."

"Never. Your stuck with me."

"Like a bad penny?"

"Like a bad penny."

Sup bitches. I'm on summer now so I should be writing and publishing more. I promise.


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