Requested: AndreaBaier
Prompt: N/a
Info: Can you do one where the reader is female and is supposed to stay at home but she sneaks off in the war and pretends to be a guy her and Alexander share a tent and he finds out you can end it however you like please and thank you"
I take a deep breath before taking the scissors to my long hair. I cut to a pixie cut. I let it out and try and make my hair look some what neat and leave. I grab the bag by the door, full of clothes and needed supplies.It takes me about an hour to reach the military station. I had to use bandages to cover the fact that I have boobs to make sure I can get in. I use my fathers name and they take my finger prints and let me leave.
I decide to head to the bar near by and find four men. I see one that looks very farmiler and notice it's my cousin John. Who I share a last name with.
I also see three of the boys in ponytails.
"Are you fucking kidding me..." I mumble angrily. I groan and walk over to the bar, ordering a round of shots. Another man sits next to me. I turn and see a man in a brown suit thing, similar to mine, shaking his head at the boys drinking and talking about ending slavery.
"Do you know them?" I ask, trying to make my voice deeper than normal. He nods in a way as if saying he wish he didn't.
"Sadly. Aaron Burr." He introduces. I shake his hand and introduce my self as (D/n) Laurens. He smiles in a way that makes me melt a bit, and turns back towards the boys.
"Genius's lower your voices." He pleads to them. "You keep out of troubles, you'll double your chances."
They turn to face the bald man and immediately John immediately recognizes me. I run over and introduce myself as my father and look at him pleadingly to not say anything.
He groans and puts his fingers over the bridge of his nose.
"Anything wrong John?" His friend with a straight pony tail asks, who might I add is devilishly handsome.
"No. This is my cousin... (D../n)." He says, obviously having trouble calling my father. "He- told me that he wasn't joining the war so I'm just surprised." He says through gritted teeth, looking at me with wide eyes. I shrug, smiling awkwardly and without reason.
I quickly become friends with the four men I met and find myself standing outside during the ball where the Schuyler's are center of attention.
And I find myself becoming jealous that Eliza caught Alexander's attention. I huff and run a hand through my hair. I reach under my shirt and pull off the bandages. I stand, over the railing looking down at the water, which shines a mighty silver. I quietly sing to my self, wishing I could come out as a girl to them and get Alexander to notice me.
"Why would a lovely lady be out here by- (D-D/n)?!" A voice starts then gasps. I stiffen and slowly turn to find Alexander staring in horror at me. I try to explain and find myself at a loss for words.
"(D/n)- what the hell-?!"
"I can explain-" I start, as he starts getting closer to me.
"You better!" He yells. "You're a girl-?! Is (D/n) even your real name??"
"No but-"
"Are you Lauren's cousin?!"
"Why did you-"
"Let me talk!" I yell back and he immediately shuts up. "My father is sick and they wanted him to join the cause. I wouldn't let that happen. So I joined in his place."
"So- you wanted to protect your father?"
"My mother died and I couldn't lose him too." I say, my voice breaking. "I'm sorry I lied. I k ow I shouldn't have but-"
And he places his lips on mine. At first I'm surprised, then I start kissing back. We stay like this, placing kisses in each other's lips.
He breaks away and look me in the eyes, and smiles slightly. A crooked grin.
"Let me talk." He tells me. "I don't care if your a girl or boy, I know that I like you a lot. So, please don't date anyone else while your doing this for your father. We can talk about it after the war, alright?"
"Alright Alex. Please don't tell anyone though."
"Wouldn't think of it."
I like it I guess. Idk.Everything hurts rn cause of my soccer game so I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess.
Night kiddos.

Musicals x Reader One-Shot Book! (Completed!!)
ФанфикI've wanted to do this for a while, so I did! I will be doing Musicals like; Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Even Hansen, Wicked, Little Shop Of Horrors, and Kinky Boots. You can request until I have too many. So, enjoy!!!! THIS BOOK IS C O M P L E T E D...