Requested: Thesadcat132
Prompt: 324. "Who gave you that black eye?!"
Info: Can it be like the reader got beat up by Kurt and Ram and Heather Chandler is worried and the reader thinks she's not good enough so she tries to kill herself but Chandler stops her? I thought it would be very interesting.
~~~The halls of Westerburg high school are hell. All of the jocks always walk around, like they own the place. I have always walked alone until I became the 5th Heather. There's McNamara, Duke, Veronica, and the leader Chandler. Chandler took me under her wing about a week ago, and since then Kurt and Ram won't leave me alone.
"Heyyyy, (Y/n/n)." Kurt coos. I roll my eyes and walk faster, only to have them grab me and pull my into the bathrooms. I try to yell, but they put a hand over my mouth. They throw my to the ground, making me hit my head. I cry out in pain, and they laugh.
"You have been avoiding us. And we have had enough." Ram sneers. He picks me up roughly, holding me off the ground. He turns and holds me so hes facing the back of my head, so I'm facing Kurt. My legs are just off the ground, so I pull them up to my chest, bracing for impact.
"Oh, is the little girl scared?" Ram sneers in my ear, causing me to whimper quietly. I quiver when he licks up my ear. Then, a pain comes rushing into my head. Causing me to cry out in pain. Tear fall down my face as more spikes of pain hit my body. Soon, I'm full on sobbing as they physically and sexual abuse my broken body. The bell rings after when feels like days, but was only the end 7th period.
Ram drops me to the tile, causing the blood from the gashes on my face to splatter on the white tile. they walk out as if nothing had happened not long after they dropped my bruised, bloodied, and beaten to a pulp body. I use all I have left to curl into a ball, and cry my self into passing out. Soon, pain and the loss of blood become to much and I pass out.
I feel a hand shaking my bloodied body awake, and open my eyes. I see a blurry blonde facing me, mascara stains on her cheeks. She picks me up and holds me to her chest. She says things I can't hear, but I pretend to listen. I then black out again.
I wake up in a bedroom. A bedroom belonging to Heather Chandler. A sleeping body draped across the chair the vanity. I try to sit up, but my body says no. I groan in pain, causing Heather to wake up. She races to my side and carefully moves my head and body to examine the different bruises coloring my body purple and black.
"who did this (Y/n). Who did this. I want names, and I will personally whip their asses." She yells. I shake my head.
"Its fine Heather. I'm fine."
"Then who gave you a black eye? What about your busted lip and bruised cheek?" She yells. I wince at he volume and shake my head."Don't worry about it Heather." I say and turn away from her.
A months later, after weeks full of blood and bruises, I'm sitting in my room. The end of a rope hanging from my hand, a blade in my other, and tears in my eyes. But not the kind you would expect. Tears of joy. Tears that let you know that I'm happy to get out of the torment that is high school. Tear that let you know that I will be free.
I silently run the silver blade across my skin, painting my arm crimson. I inhale sharply at the pain, which slowly falls away not long after. I run it across my arms many times before standing on top of my bed. I sigh and put the rope around my neck.
"I know I will never get to tell you this Heather, but I love you.." I say before stepping off the bed, constricting my throat. I gag and try not to struggle. I can almost feel my face turn purple by the time I can't breathe. I here a banging at the door and see the door swing open. Someone races to the rope and unties it.
"(Y/n)! What the hell were you doing?!" She screams. I cough roughly and begin crying. She holds me close while I cry into her shoulder. "I'm sorry I yelled. I heard what you said before you.. did that. And I love you too."
And I smile for the first time in weeks.~~~
This one is close to my heart. And yea, I didn't get all of them done. I only got this one done. Imma try to get more done tomorrow.~~Griffon~~

Musicals x Reader One-Shot Book! (Completed!!)
FanfictionI've wanted to do this for a while, so I did! I will be doing Musicals like; Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Even Hansen, Wicked, Little Shop Of Horrors, and Kinky Boots. You can request until I have too many. So, enjoy!!!! THIS BOOK IS C O M P L E T E D...