Requested: lustfortea2
Prompt: 40 "don't you dare throw that snow a- godammit!"
Info: Prompt: 40: "don't you dare throw that snow a- godammit!"
Musical: Be More Chill
Character: Michael Mell
Type: x Fem! Reader
(Lol pls don't be angry at me for not suggesting Michael x Jeremy, if u want it do it yourself)
Plot: (this might be long idk tho):
Y/N had found Michael in the bathroom (*Sobs*) and had a crush on him for a long time, after a while they're in a relationship and Michael gets the great idea to take Y/N on a Snow Date. Carry on from there?
"A snow date?!" I gasp excitedly, making him smile with happiness. "Really?!""Yep. I figured it would be a good place to take you." He laughs softly. I get giddy at his laugh when he laughs like that.
I've known Micheal for years. Well, I knew him. But he didn't really know me. I think he knew of me, but nothing specific.
I found him Halloween night at Jakes annual Halloween party, crying in the bathtub completely alone. I knew I had a crush on him and decided to go into the bathroom. He looked distraught and upset with not only Jeremy, but himself.
He was mumbling things like "I wish I was never born." And "I wish I'd offed my self instead."
It completely broke my heart, hearing the words fall from his mouth like that. I texted my mom, who's the school school counselor, and asked if I could bring him home with me so she could talk to him about self worth and such.
Of course she said yes, and after that day, Michael and my mom became best friends. It's been about two months and needless to say, Michael and I are in a very happy and stable relationship.
"Michael I'm so excited!" I happily screech and throw my self onto him in a tight hug. He laughs happily and wraps his arms around the small of my back, gently humming into my neck in response, sending shivers down my spine.
"Thank you Michael." I quietly murmur. He chuckles again and smiles into my neck.
"Of course (Y/n)." He quietly tells me. He stay like that for a while, laying on his bed, his arms around my body and my body resting against on his. Soon, I hear soft snores coming from Michael and I smile. I cuddle farther into him and fall asleep soon after.
The next morning I'm being lightly shaken awake. I groan as the sun hits my eyes, squinting. I grab on the blanket and covers my face. The person who shook me was laughing gently as I regained my consciousness.
"Morning baby." The voice purrs, alerting me to it being Michael. I pull the blanket off my head and hum tiredly in response. He laughs again and sits down on the bed beside my and puts his hand on my leg, which is currently curled up into my chest.
"Morning Michael.." I mumble drowsily. He kisses my temple, making me blush and smile softly, eyes still closed.
"It's around eleven o clock. We need to leave at twelve if we wanna get to the mountains while the suns still out." He tells me, petting my hair. I hum in response and re adjust my self, so I'm on my back.
"Alright... I'll start getting ready.." I groan and sit up all the way, before throwing my blanket off and sitting with my legs hanging off the bed. I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. He laughs and kisses my forehead.
"Your mom made breakfast- but now it's more like brunch." He tells me, getting up. I groan and get out of my bed. I quickly walk around my room, going into drawers and my closet to grab various cold weather clothes as well as a charger and a pair of pajamas.
After stuffing everything into a backpack, I quickly strip and slip on a (f/c) turtleneck sweater, leggings, tall snow boots, and a pair of gloves. I sling the backpack over my shoulder, grabbing my phone on my way out of my room. I do one last sweep and close the door.
I hear my mom laughing at something and Michael laughing along with her. I roll my eyes happily and quickly walk down the stairs.
"Hey miss sunshine!" My mom exclaims, taking another sip from her morning coffee. I smile and kiss her cheek as I walk by her, moving into the kitchen and grabbing a waffle that was sitting on the plate. I bite into it and stare at Michael and admire his floofy hair as I devour the waffle, hunger tingling at my belly.
"Ready to go Michael?" I ask, excitement overwhelming me. He laughs.
"Take a moment and enjoy your breakfast and say good bye to your mom!" He exclaims, trying to calm down my rushing. I sigh and hug my mom as she stands up, expecting my arms around her.
"Bye mom. I love you." I murmur in her ear. She smiles into my neck and murmurs back.
"Bye (Y/n). Have fun. See you in a couple days." She chuckles as she kisses my cheek.
I turn to the awaiting boy and envelope my hand his, my mom following us out to Michaels car.
I throw the backpack into the trunk with my phone in my pocket as I climb in the front seat. My mom stays at the door and waves as Michael stars the car.
"Be safe! Use protection!" She yells as we drive away, causing me and Michael to breakout laughing, and yet embarrassed with our selves.
We spend the next few hours in the car sleeping, talking, listening to music, and play games. After a while I fall asleep, tiredness from walking up so suddenly overtaking my body.
Michael wakes me up when we get to the mountains, shaking my lightly like he did before hours earlier.
"Hmm? What happened?" I ask tiredly. Michael chuckles and smiles.
"We just got here." He tells me, my eyes opening wide as I stare with excitement at the white snow coating the ground. I open the door of the car and flop into the snow.
I shriek happily as the snow surrounds me in an icy chill. I shiver and pop up. Sitting on my ass.
"That's cold!" I tell Michael and point to the ground and watch him get out of the car. He laughs and runs towards me, then past me. He jumps and lands in his cannon ball position in the snow. I start laughing hysterically as he slips down slowly into the rest of the snow pile.He manages to get himself out of the snow and he falls down next to me, grabbing and pulling me close to him. He hums lightly in my ear and kisses my temple.
"I love you (Y/n).. I don't know what I would do without you. Just getting to hear your voice, look into your eyes, and to hold you close makes me so happy." He tells me quietly. I blush and chuckle, embarrassed at his kind words. "And to think all you did was find me in a bathroom having a pity party for my self. I just want to thank you for being he lights that guided me when I was in my worst time."
"And I would do it again ten time over." I tell him, kissing his cheek. "And your welcome."
"Your my light, (Y/n)." He tells me lovingly. "Please, be my light forever."
okKay I know it's a little rushed but I liked how it turned out. It's really cute.Ok on a diffrent note, I have a book that was published about a month ago and I would love it if you could check it out! It's a BTS Kim Taehyung x Reader. If you guys could just read a little bit of it, that would be great.

Musicals x Reader One-Shot Book! (Completed!!)
FanfictionI've wanted to do this for a while, so I did! I will be doing Musicals like; Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Even Hansen, Wicked, Little Shop Of Horrors, and Kinky Boots. You can request until I have too many. So, enjoy!!!! THIS BOOK IS C O M P L E T E D...