Requested: PinkFluffyBearzfnf
Prompt: 18. "Come over here and make me."
Info: Musical: Dear Evan Hansen
Character: bully!Jared x bullied!fem!reader
Prompt: 18
Jared bullies the reader because he likes her. The reader like him too, but the reader was sick of the bullying it and wants him to stop so she confronts him and he says that and she goes over there and kisses him👌
Ok I'm done
I pull my legs to my chest as Evan tries to talk me out of my crazy idea."He's gonna crucify you (Y/n)!" He yells through the phone, his face bright red. I look away from my phone and sigh, tears brimming in my eyes.
"I just want it to stop Evan.." I explain sadly. He lets out an exasperated sigh and flails his arms.
"Whatever- do whatever. I'll talk to you tomorrow (Y/n)."
"Evan wait-" I try, but he hangs up the call. I sigh and throw my phone, feeling truly alone. I curl up in a ball and end up falling asleep on my bed fully clothed.
I awake the next morning and find the sun is still down. I groan and roll out of bed, I pick up my phone to check for any cracks and put it on my charger.
The light turns on with a click as I flick the switch. I go through with my morning routine and leave in about an hour.
I arrive at school and quickly park, locking my car and rush to find Evan. I find him sitting with Connor, quietly talking and holding hands while sitting under a tree.
"Evan. Please come with me.." I plead, making him look up from Connor's face to me. He sigh and tells Connor something too inaudible for me to hear.
He pushes me to go and mumbles something about being the best fucking friend I could ask for.
"I see him.." he tells me, and my chest starts to heave as I can feel the anxiety bubbling in my chest. I take a deep breath and walk over to him, trying not to crack under the pressure from the weight from the confrontation I was about to ensue.
"Hey Jared." I call out, trying my damnedest for my voice not to waver, which thank god it didn't. He looks up from his phone and smirks with a very evil glint in his eyes.
He begins to talk, but I stop him.
"I'm tired of your bullshit. You are such an asshole to me and I would really ducking appreciate it if you cut the shit and stopped." I growl, getting my face in his.
"Make me." He chuckles harshly.
"Gladly." I growl and harshly Place my lips on him, pushing him away from the crowd of people and continuously kissing him roughly. Once he pushes me away and catches his breath and goes in again.
And for once, I felt truly not alone.
Y'all have any idea how far I have to scroll??Like I have 103 things published in this book man. It's kinda insane. But it's fine.
Aight guys, I'll see ya on Thursday.
If ya want, on the next chapter I can post the schedule for this month. Tell me what y'all want.
Night kiddos~

Musicals x Reader One-Shot Book! (Completed!!)
FanfikceI've wanted to do this for a while, so I did! I will be doing Musicals like; Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Even Hansen, Wicked, Little Shop Of Horrors, and Kinky Boots. You can request until I have too many. So, enjoy!!!! THIS BOOK IS C O M P L E T E D...