Prompt: 21. "Crocs? Who hurt you so much in this life?"
Requested By: N/a (Sadly, guys request!❤❤)
Info: You and Laff have been friends since kindergarten. He comes to school with Crocs on and, you being you, poke a little fun at him. Then George Frederick (King) and his Followers make fun of him. And you go ham roasting them and calling them out on there own attire.
Warnings: Cursing, Bullying
Additional A/N: The only reason the Title is the title, is because its A. Contributes to story and B. People always say Crocs are Cancer. I DO NOT THINK CANCER IS A JOKE.
High school sucks ass. People are always making fun of my squad and my best friend Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Or as I call him, Laff. He is such a sweet French dude, who never asks for anything. He's been dating this weird lady, I can remember her name though.He deserves better.
Then, I chuckle to me self as I see Laff walk up to me. In plain, regular clothes. Except, one thing was different. And I wasn't the only one who could tell. I looked down at his feet as saw Crocs.
He deserves better.
"Good morning, Mon Cherie." He says, beginning to see people staring at him. "(Y/n)? How come people staring at me?"
"Your shoes Laff." I whisper. He looks down, seeing nothing wrong.
"What is wrong with my shoes?" He asks. I sigh.
"Crocs. They aren't that normal in.. High school. I say, gently as possible. "Most people think their.. What's the word.."
"Weird?" He finished, a sad look in his eyes. I sigh again and nod. He looks down, and shamefully stares at his shoes. "My parents are having money trouble right now.." He says quietly.
He deserves better.
Then, I see the Bitch Rich Kids of the school walking up. George Frederick and his 'Kingdom' of fucking rich kids.God, I swear Frederick is gay, the way he holds that purse, my god. He looks Laff up them down, stopping at his shoes. He starts laughing.
"Can I help you George?" Laff asks nicely.
"No, but, god, can I help your shoes?" He mocks. I ball my hands into fists and wait for them to make another move so I can make mine.
"No, I am sorry you cannot because, you see shoes are not living things. Therefore, you cannot help them." He says. I sniffle a laugh my giggling. That makes the spotlight on me, of course.
"What so funny, (Nn/yh)." That's when I snapped, and Laff could tell.
"Well I'm sorry if my best friend roasting you idiots is funny. Actually, I'm really not. In fact, I would be happy do do some my self, let's get started, shall we?" I say, cracking my knuckles. "This should be fun. No, lets start with your kingdom of stupid Stockholm Syndrome geeks. How could love man who has some kind of sick plot up his sleeve, ready to be revealed at any moment, hmm? Oh that's right, you have no one choice.
"And to continue, I still hate you all. Even though you don't do anything but contribute eye candy. You could have done better Frederick. There not even hot! And as for you, you piece of shit. The way you carry around that purse, it makes me want to hit you with it UNTIL YOU GET BRAIN CANCER. I hope you enjoyed. Good bye for now! Because next time you mess with my friend, you will get my fists.." I snarl after finishing and walking away.
"Crocs are still cancer!" Frederick yells. I turn my head and look at them. I walk back over at a steady pace, and punch Frederick on the face. Hard. He stumbles back, looking back at me, a bleeding nose, probably broken, and a busted lip.
"(Y/n) (L/n)! My office right now." I hear Mr. Washington yell. As I walk past them I yell.
"Worth every second boys! Ta ta!" All with Laff standing in shock.
He deserves better.
Changed it up? How ya like it?Love you all, and as always, Keep Reading!
(700 words + A/n thing)

Musicals x Reader One-Shot Book! (Completed!!)
ספרות חובביםI've wanted to do this for a while, so I did! I will be doing Musicals like; Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Even Hansen, Wicked, Little Shop Of Horrors, and Kinky Boots. You can request until I have too many. So, enjoy!!!! THIS BOOK IS C O M P L E T E D...