Who Wouldnt? (Spot Conlon x Jack Kelly)

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Requested: excopnowinjailhelpme
Prompt: N/a
Info: You should do newsies it's lit it can be Spot Conlon x  Jack Kelly  and spot had a nightmare about his past abuse from his parents and he is trying to act fine around jack but he is not fine and you can put the line for jack "it's okay to cry" and it will be cute and fluffy (LGBTQ)thank you
Jacks POV

I had awoken to a trembling figure next to me. I open my fatigued eyes and see Spot curled up in a ball under the covers. I turn so I'm facing him and try to shake the boy awake.

When he doesn't wake up from what ever nightmare he's having, I immediately pull him close. I know he's not awake, but doesn't stop me from whispering sweet nothings into his ear, trying to reach the world that my terrified boyfriend is in.

Soon enough, he opens his eyes and slowly regains consciousness. He takes a moment to gain his barings befitting realizing he's in my arms. He immediately pushes away and tries to get the tears from falling down his ashen face.

"S-Sorry Jack.." he mutters apologetically. I silently shake my head and smile at him.

"There's nothing to apologize for baby." I tell him softly. He sniffs and tries to turn away from me, but I pull him closer. "It's ok to cry sometimes Spotty. Never be afraid to cry. No ones gonna judge you for it."

"Ok A. Never call me 'Spotty' again. And B. Thanks Jack. I'm so glad I have you to... well cry on."

I giggle and kiss his nose.

"Of course Spot. You'll always have me." I tell him and smile sweetly at him.

"I love you Jacky."

"Hey! No fair! If I don't get to call you Spotty, you can't call me Jacky!" I pout. He chuckles and kisses me nose.

"Fine. But I do love you."

"Who wouldn't?" I giggle.

I have no idea what I was writing about cause I've never listened to Newsies and hhHHHNNN


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