Dearest (Y/n) (Thomas Jefferson x Fem!Reader)

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Requested: _Glyx_
Prompt: 32. Do you like me? Check yes or no.
Info: High school AU

High school cliques make up a large majority of the student body. Like 90%. The other 10% is people who have no group to hang with, and believe me, its a living hell when you have no one to hang out with.

I had this problem at my old school. It sucked. When I had to move schools, the only thing I missed was eating lunch in the janitors closet because I couldn't stand the lunchroom.

When I moved schools, to my current one, I made friends right away. I didn't know what they saw in me, but one of the popular groups took me under their wings and made me into the current me. The one that isn't afraid to stand up for myself or other people.

Becoming apart of the Hamilsquad wasn't part of my original high school plans, but some how became part of it. When the boys helped me become popular, I felt like I owed them. So since they helped me gain a reputation at school, I help their reputation with the ladies. But its so obvious that Alex and John are gay.

I was sitting at my desk in 5th period, when suddenly I get a note thrown at me. Literally thrown, like came flying across the room. To my desk. I look around and open it up. I read it and scoff. The hand writing was obviously Thomas Jefferson's, who I saw sitting across the room trying to look innocent. I roll my eyes and reread it, in depth this time. When I joined the Hamilsquad, they told me to stay away from Jefferson and Madison.

"Dearest (Y/n),

I have been admiring you from afar for quite a while. I have not been able to talk to you, seeing as your friends don't like me very much. I wish to get to know you more, so meet me behind the school after the second bell.

From, your secret admirer."

I roll my eyes again and shove the note in my pocket, almost forgetting about it for the rest of the day. Almost. When the second bell rang I was reminded of the note. I decide to go meet Jefferson just to see what he wanted. I walk to the back of the school and see him waiting ever so quietly. I stop myself just before yelling his name. If the Hamilsquad saw me with him, they would flip their shit. I shake the thought out of my head, but instead of yelling his name, I just walk over to him and sit down.

"H-Hello.." he says. "I-I was starting to think you weren't gonna come.."

"I wanted to hear what you had to say. So say it." I tell him.

"As my note said, I have been admiring you from afar but have never been able to talk to you. Your friends don't like me very much and I didn't want to start anything with them. But I have liked you for a while, but have never been able to get close to you." He explains. "And I just wanted to know how you felt"

I was kind of taken aback by his words, but hoped it didn't show to much. I sigh and look at him, his cheeks are now a light shade of pink.

"I don't know you enough to form an opinion, but I'm willing to at least try, and we'll see how it goes?" I say, and can almost physically see his heart drop but then go up again. He nods and we start talking amongst our selves. Days and months and years pass and it's as if a time skip happens and we're at senior graduation.

"And now a speech from none other then president of he student body, miss. (Y/n) (L/n)." Mr. Washington calls into the mic, causing me to stand up. I walk up to the stage and stand in front of the podium.

"Thank you Mr. Washington." I begin. I take a deep breath and look down at the Hamilsquad, before looking at Thomas and beginning my speech. "Today, The senior class of (Grad Year) is taking on a new challenge other than the daily struggles of high school. When I came to this school my freshman year, before I had no friends. Then I met my best friends and they've helped me come to where I'm standing today. They helped me achieve things that I thought I couldn't do. Have a conversation with someone higher than me, be made fun of and stick up for my self, and be confident."

I pause for a moment, stare at Thomas and continue.

"That same year, I met the love of my life. I didn't know him well at all, heck my friends didn't like him the slightest bit! So I didn't talk to him until he threw me a note from across the room. This school has been the gate way for my life and I've just passed through it. I hope that whatever life has in store for all of us, we can pass through it too!" I finish and throw my hat in the air, causing a chain reaction with the rest of the crowd.

After the ceremony and meeting up with my friends I change and walk to the back of the school. I see Thomas and run over to him.

"Thomas!" I yell and he looks up. He smiles and gets up to hug me. I run into his arms and hug him tightly.

"I'm so proud of you (Y/n)! You were amazing up there. I was surprised you had the nerve to put me discreetly in it without your friends noticing it."

"Believe me, they did."

"So about freshman year?"

"Of course. Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I have loved you but didn't know it for a long time Thomas."

"So, if I where to throw you a note again, you'd come again?"

"No shit."

You guys have no idea how long it took me to write this one. Kill me


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