Hot Damn (Veronica Sawyer x Fem!Reader)

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Requested: aKoreanGeek
Prompt: Couldn't Find It
Info: Veronica Sawyer X Fem!Reader

Roni is a hardcore closet ARMY and the reader knows this. It was Roni's bday when the reader decides to perform "Boy in Luv" live in public while cosplaying as her bias V. Eventually, Ram and Kurt being the dinks that they were rudely cut in and challenge the reader to a random play dance. (you can change the music if you'd like)
Heather McNamara gives me a thumbs up as "Boy In Luv" plays over the speaker that one of my other dancers brought. I feel somewhat embarrassed but play it off with a small scared smile to her.

I then look at Veronica, who's watching me with awe, not knowing that I'm cosplaying Taehyung. She's the closet army and I'm the hella open army. I talk about BTS all the time, I don't hide my love for the boys.

I start dancing, mouthing the words as I perform with my fellow dancers. I hit the dance moves as on point as can be, trying my hardest to not let nerves get the best of me as Roni watches me.

She makes me blush without even trying.

"Hold the fuck up yo!" Someone yells as they disconnect the speaker from the music, causing all of us to stop. I look at the person and see that Kurt and Ram are currently standing with their arms crossed staring at us.

"This is koreaboo shit." Kurt laughs, making me ball my fists. "Why dance to a song that you don't know what they are saying?"

"Because we enjoy it, so leave us alone please." One of the calmer girls, Martha, says, pleading almost. "We're having fun and expressing ourselves."

"Whatever." Ram brushes off. "Well, y'all should just leave."

"Why?!" I questions angrily. "We were here first so leave us alone!"

"Wait (Y-" Martha starts, but I stop her. I bite my lip and look at Veronica, who looks kind of bored yet intrigued.

"What ya wanna do Kboo?" Kurt challenges. "You wanna fight?"

"Nope. But I'll beat your ass in a dance battle." I smirk, sparking Veronica'a attention.


"Play the music dick head." I reply with snark.

————Veronica's POV————

I watch the girl who's cosplaying as Taehyung, my bias of BTS dance battle the two jocks and wipe the floor with their ass.

"That girl seems a lot like someone I know..." I mumble to Heather Chandler. She rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"Stupid- you realize that's (Y/n) right?" She responds, making me widen my eyes. "She did this because she knows your closeted army and wanted to make you happy. If this went like she planned, she was going to ask you to be her girlfriend."

"Hot damn.." I chuckle and shake my head.

"Hot damn is right.." Heather purrs and licks her lips.

"Back off Heather. She's mine."

This is better than the sad ones lmao. We love


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