I've wanted to do this for a while, so I did! I will be doing Musicals like; Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Even Hansen, Wicked, Little Shop Of Horrors, and Kinky Boots. You can request until I have too many. So, enjoy!!!!
~~~ Requested: _Glyx_ Prompt: 303"We have to pretend to be married" Info: WE HAVE A SPECIAL GUESSED TODAY LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND THOSE WHO HAVE YET TO MAKE UP YOUR MINDSSS. It's 135little or ThatOneGal21 just btw. ~~~
It's been about two years since graduation and I've been friends with Michael and Jeremy forever. I was in my room going through Facebook™ when suddenly I get a message from none other than Jenna Rolan, who I've kept in touch with now and then.
Jenna: Hey! So I got invited to this little party that Rich is having for the three year anniversary of the Squips being taken down! Wanna come??
Oh, wow, it's been so long I almost forgot about the Squips. Sadly, I know what it's like to have had one...
(Y/n): Uhh, Idk if I can go..
Jenna: Oh come on! Everyone's gonna bring their husbands and wives, I wanna meet your husband! :D
(Y/n): Husband..?
Jenna: Your status, it says you're married! You are married, right?
I tapped out of the conversation.
There's no way your status says that....
Does it?
No! I'm not married!
Then why does youR STATUS SAY YOU'RE MARRIED?!?!
I tapped back into the conversation and replied to Jenna.
(Y/n): Jenna
Jenna: OMG, are you and Jeremy married?! Congrats!
(Y/n): Where would you get THAT idea from? Lol
Jenna: Jeremy's status says he's MARRIED!! I totally thought it would be Christine but hers says she's still single! OMG I TOTALLY KNEW YOU TWO HAD A THING!
God. Fucking. Damnit, Michael.
(Y/n): Ooooooooh, hehe, I didn't think anyone would catch on to that, you're so smart haha
There's no going back now.
Jenna: Ikr?! Anyway, so see you at the party? With Jeremy of course
(Y/n): Heh, yup! We'll be there!
Jenna: Sweet! It's at Rich's house. Let's just hope he doesn't burn this one down, lol
Jenna: Here's the address! *insert address here*
(Y/n): Wait, is it tonight??
Jenna: Yup! Bye, see you at the paaartaaaay~
Jesus what have I gotten myself into.
Jenna: OH! Also I already told Jeremy about the party and he said that he'd be there so hurry up!
I decided to get dressed in some gamer stuff Jeremy and Michael bought me recently
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(a/n) dress yoself, hun -Little
and drove to the party.
Rich's new house actually seemed pretty nice. It wasn't a mansion or anything, just a nice house.
The door was unlocked so I walked in and immediately saw Jeremy. I pulled him aside and stared into his blue eyes.
I never noticed how they sparkled so beautifully before.
Nevermind that.
"Jeremy," I started, "we have to pretend to be married."
"W- WHAT?" Jeremy replied. I could tell he's nervous and believe me, I am too.
"Listen, Jenna Rolan thinks we're married because Michael changed our status's to 'married' on Facebook™. Just roll with it tonight because it's Jenna, okay?"
"I- uh- okay I guess."
I grabbed Jeremy's hand and held it, then Chloe Valentine came up to us.
"Hey, wanna play spin the bottle?"
You should play spin the bottle.
Why should I play spin the bottle?
To kiss Jeremy.
I don't want to kiss him!
You can't lie to me- you- yourself!
Just shut up, would ya, Locklyn?
"Sure, why not!" I answered.
Jeremy gave me a worried look but I just smiled at him.
We walked over to a circle of people and sat down with them. Jenna caught our eye and being the blabber mouth she is said,
"Okay, (Y/n), spin the bottle!"
Everyone in the circle, I even spotted Michael there, was chanting "SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN" so I had no choice.
We're out of highschool, but I guess some people never grew up.
I spun the bottle and it thankfully landed on me. I kissed my hand and stood up.
"This was a bad idea. Jeremy and I should be heading out. It's getting late."
I said as I started walking off. I heard Jeremy behind me and we left the party.
Well, kinda.
Our cars were stolen, so we stayed on the front porch.
Every once in a while someone would come out asking if we were really married, and we "showed our love" to them so they'd leave.
We'd do things like hug and flirt in front of the drunken idiots to please them. Jeremy was actually really...
And comfy.
Someone has a crush!
Shut UP Locklyn!
"You know, I wouldn't mind doing... This more often." Jeremy said.
"What do you mean by, this?" I asked.
You have a crush on him. Here's a crush that likes you!
PLEASE stop imitating a Squip. It's REALLY weird.
That's understandable.
"I mean..." Jeremy was struggling to talk, which was normal, but only when he was talking to Christine in highschool. I never got the full story as to why they broke up, all I know is that they liked other people. "I- I mean, if you want, w- we could be an... Actual couple."
"I- I would like that. A lot actually. Pretending isn't really my thing anyway, you're the actor here." I laughed.
"That was for ONE YEAR and it was to impress Christine and get closer to her! I'm over it, I swear!"