Requested: jaredklinemen
Prompt: N/a
Info: Musical:DEH female x Jared
Was in an abusive relationship before Jared and something happens and she freaks out and I ally tells him what had happened and he just helps her out and calms her down...
Jared wraps a hand around my waist as we walk down the empty hallway chatting and talking about our day. Well, we thought it was empty.We turn a corner and see a bigger, stronger senior beating up a small freshman, who was currently sobbing and trying her hardest to get any from the male elder.
And my brain snaps.
I back away and feel everything slow down to a speed that makes everything but myself seem unmoving. My breathing speeds up, my heart pumps faster, and I can feel my blood pounding in my ears.
"(Y/n)..?" he asks, but his voice is barely audible through the pounding in my ears as well as it sounding like I'm underwater. He curses and goes to stop the fight, like the good person he is.
He soon comes running back after a teacher shows up, clutching my arms to stabilize me. My breathing quickens further and I feel tears streaming down my face.
"(Y/n), you need to breathe. Alright? You need to breathe." He demands, his voice becoming a little clearer. He instructs me what to do to calm my breathing and soon I'm curled up in his chest sobbing.
After a few long moments of my crying and him petting my hair, he brakes the silence
"Wanna tell me why you had a nervous breakdown babe?" He asks, making me stiffen and then relax, trying not to draw attention.
Even thought the attention I gained from him was tremendous.
"Before you... I was in an abusive relationship.." I explain, going into the horrible and emotional details. I cringe and want to stop but know he wants to know how to help me.
"I get it (Y/n).."
"I don't think you do.." I sniff.
"I do. When I was dating that guy a while ago, he beat me up a few times. So I get it (Y/n)... I truly do." He smiles, kissing me and pulling my closer.
Cube Ent can suck my left nut-They fired Edawn of Pentagon and Solo Idol hyunA just becuase they were dating-
it still doesn't make what they did to them ok. All they wanted to do was be happy. And I feel so bad man, Edawn is amazing and so is my queen hyunA.
Edawn is the one who first sings- AND FUCKIN YANAN (the one who does "Ma bAbEy" at the end) IS OUT RN CAUSE OF MEDICAL RESONS AND EVERYTHING JS FALLING APART-
She is my queen guys- I miss her sm-

Musicals x Reader One-Shot Book! (Completed!!)
FanfictionI've wanted to do this for a while, so I did! I will be doing Musicals like; Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Even Hansen, Wicked, Little Shop Of Horrors, and Kinky Boots. You can request until I have too many. So, enjoy!!!! THIS BOOK IS C O M P L E T E D...