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Annies Pov;
It was a cold morning in Maryland. I woke up to Piper licking my face. I decided to get up and brush my teeth. I then fed the dogs their food and gave them some water. "Annie!" Said My Dad. I ran downstairs to bacon and pancakes. Ahhhhh. Nothing could've been better. "Gym today?" My dad asked "i think ill skip on that. im lazy." I said. We started to laugh and talk, and spend time together. After breakfast we all helped clean up the kitchen.. After that, i went up stairs and decided to do a song cover of "Little Do You Know" by Alex and Sierra. After My Bubba died I dedicated that song to him. I really didn't care for gymnastics anymore because i wanted to chase my dreams of being a singer. Hayley also quitted gymnastics for dancing. We wanted to chase our dreams. But anyways, i was going to do a few covers..
Mrs.Katie's Pov;
*Vlogging* hello guys! Me and Billy were blowing up many balloons. We decided to fill The basement with them. We were going to surprise our girls that we'll be moving to LA. We decided that it will be best so they can pursue their dreams. We will be keeping this house for when we visit Maryland.. We hung up a banner. "Pack your things! We're moving to LA!" It will be in the back of all the balloons so they can find it.
Annies Pov:
I finished my covers, and turned off my mic and computers. "Annie and HayHay can you come down to the basement?" Yelled my dad. I went to Hayleys room, and called her down. We went down to the basement. Mommy had the camera out. Me and Hay were confused. They opened the door.. It was full of balloons. "Walk to the end of the balloons." Said Daddy. We took each others hand and found our way through the balloons. We reached the end. There was a huge banner. It said "Pack your things, we're moving to LA!" I was so excited, me and Hay started to jump up and down. Our parents explained why we were. But i started to cry. "What about Bubbas things." I said. "We can take a few things, but they're staying the way he left it. We'll be keeping this house." They said. I then got happy. We had to go to the pet store and buy some pet cages. We didn't need anything really since the new house had everything furnished. It was ready for us to move in. We just needed clothes and shampoo, you know the important things..
My dad gave me and Hayley so many luggages for our things. We packed all of our clothes and the important things. We loaded the luggages and everything we needed in the car so it's ready for when we leave. I left my airport clothes out though.. I had everything ready. By the time we all helped each other finish packing it was 2 am. Last time i checked the clock it was 1pm. It took us so long to get everything ready. Our flight leaves at 9am, and we gotta wake up at 5:30am. I decided to text Brennan, Mark, And Johnny. My 3 Bestfriends, i dont have girl bestfriends because all they did was cause drama. I texted them the news. I had to create the group chat first.
Annie- Hey!!
Mark- sup anns
Brennan- hey annnnie
Johnny- hey bestfriend
Annie- i have news
Mark- what is it?? 🤔
Brennan- yeah????
Johnny- what is it
Annie- im moving
All Of Them- WHERE?
Annie- LA!
Mark- no way?!
Johnny- omg finally
Brennan- good we miss you sm
Annie- see you guys tmrw love you💗
Johnny- love you more!!
Mark- love you too my annnnns 💖
Brennan- love you way more 😘
I couldn't wait to see them. They were like my brothers. Every time i went to LA after Bubba Died, (Caleb) i always hung out with them. They're really protective of me. But Except Brennan. We had something for each other. We used to date but distance was too much to handle. I put my phone on the charger and fell asleep.

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