The Instagram Post

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Haydens Pov
Carson finally texted back.

Carson 😈

Hayden - Carson!

Hayden - you didn't tell me you were going to Maryland!

Hayden - and now you're at Annie's house?

Hayden - what the heck Carson! You don't even know her like that!

Carson - woah bro.. chill. we barely know each other, we're just friends.

Hayden - mhm . im just mad because you didn't tell me you were going to visit .

Carson - im staying until she goes back to LA.

Hayden - oh.

Carson - yeah. I gtg we're going to skyzone

I was honestly mad. 3 weeks. That's too much. That's supposed to be me, not my best friend..
Annies Pov
Mommy was taking me and Carson to sky zone because Hayley was having Alexa over. We were in the car, and i made a few musical.lys with Carson, he's really cool, and he seems like a fun person. "Paige take care of them!!" Yelled Mommy. Paige winked and we all walked into sky zone. Carson and I were having a blast, we got to know each other more, i really like to be around him.
"Alright kiddos!! Get down!" Daddy said as we arrived at Home Town Buffet for dinner. We all grabbed our drinks, grabbed our food, and we all sat down. I sat next to Carson and Paige. *vlogging* hey guys! So we have a special guest! He's going to be staying with us until we go back to LA..
"Yeah! Get used to this face!!" Said Carson.
We finished up dinner, and mommy took a picture of me and Carson at dinner, i decided to post one.


🖤liked by haydensummerall, carsonleuders, kenzieziegler, 300,560 moreAnnieLeBlanc☑️ - meet new people and become best friends for life 🤙🏻💕

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🖤liked by haydensummerall, carsonleuders, kenzieziegler, 300,560 more
AnnieLeBlanc☑️ - meet new people and become best friends for life 🤙🏻💕

View All  Comments

KenzieZiegler☑️ - i miss you so much Bff !!! 💛💛💛💛

CarsonLeuders☑️ - ah these 3 wks are going to be so fun with you! ❤️ bffl💕

Usersname1 - cannie? 😍

JohnnyOrlando☑️ -  bffl ? yikes

Username2 - HANNIE HANNIE HANNIE . But same johnny same

Username3 - not gonna lie , cannie would be cute lol

DylanSummerall☑️ - love this picture 💚💚💚💚💚

Username4 - omg dylan CANNIE OR HANNIE ?! 🙄🙄🙄

HaydenSummerall☑️ - i still love #Hannie

Brennan1103 - #BRANNIEEEE

Brennan1103 - lol jk guyz dont attack me we arent even friends ok

Username5 - annie gets all the guyz😂💯

KenzieZiegler☑️ - forget those ship names its all about #MACKANNIE

JohnnyOrlando☑️ - agree 💛 @ KenzieZiegler

Username6 - jenzie ?

OfficiallyDadtayley☑️ - BAYDEN


I got home after a long day, and i brushed my teeth, changed, said goodnight to Carson, i was dozing off until i got a text from Hayden.

Hayden 😍💍

Hayden - what was your ig post all about

Annie - really hayden? I just got home its 11:46pm and im really tired can we talk about this in the morning.

Hayden - no

Annie - okay then what do you want to know about it

Hayden - i wanna know whats up with you and carson

Annie - nothing . we're just friends or getting there , we dont know each other that much yet .  Chill okay

Hayden - " bffl " 🤔 hmmm...

Annie - hayden stop .

Hayden - i thought you guys are just friends

Annie - HAYDEN!! bffl means best friends for life . I didn't call him that , he called me it first & so what if we are . Me and carson are JUST FRIENDS . We barely know each other as I mentioned please chill out im really tired and barely have time for this

Hayden - whatever annie

Annie - really hayden !! i barely been around him . it hasnt even been a day . CALM DOWN. Please! Like i said, we are just friends and if i want to be his best friend for life, then i can be. Whats wrong with being friends with someone for life.

Hayden - me and you were once best friends . we ended up dating. Hopefully you get my point.

Annie - in case you forgot im 3 hours ahead of u , so go do what u want , i need some sleep . I cant be Arguing with you when im tired . Good night Hayden

Hayden - whatever goodnight annie .

At this point, i was tired and irritated, Hayden just didn't seem to get my point.
I set down my phone and put it on the charger. I hope people can realize a girl and a guy can just be best friends.

Haydens Pov
Annie isn't getting my point. What if they end up developing feelings for each other? Im just lost in my thoughts. Im high key irritated. I decided just to go to sleep early. Ugh... what a long day....

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