Ice Cream With Hayden

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Annies Pov
"Annie, get up!! My mom has breakfast downstairs!" Said Kenzie. I slowly got up, and grabbed my phone, and went downstairs. "We're going to the mall today Girls, and if it's okay, i invited Johnny, so we're going to pick him up." Said Mrs.Melissa. "Okay!" Said Kenzie. We finished up our pancakes, eggs, and bacon, we also had, orange juice along with it.
"Ill shower in the hall bathroom, you can shower in my bathroom." Said Kenzie. I nodded. "Hey Best friend, are you okay? You seem a bit off this morning." Said Kenzie. "Im fine, I've just been thinking about things." I said.
I walked to her bathroom and shut the door. The truth is, i lied to her. Im really just missing Hayden that's why I've been a bit off...
*knock* "Anns? You almost done?" Said Kenzie. "Yes, im just changing." I said. I grabbed my dirty clothes, and walked out. "Can i do your makeup?" Asked Kenz. "Of course!" I said. I took a seat at her makeup desk. She did my makeup, then i did hers. "Awwwe we look perfect!" I said. We laughed, and went to do our hair. I decided just to leave it down. I slipped on some Vans, and waited for Kenz. "IM READDDY" she said. I smiled and we went down to the car.
We were in front of Johnny's house waiting for him to come out. "Im just leaving you guys at the mall, im going to run a few errands." Said Mrs.Melissa. We nodded, then Johnny's door flew open and right behind him was Hayden...... "MOM YOU DIDNT SAY HAYDEN WAS COMING." Said Kenzie. Then Kenzie looked at me worriedly. I looked at her nervous. "Its going to be fine." Said Mrs.Melissa. Johnny opened the door, but then Hayden came in, he was sitting in the middle. "HIIIII ANNIE!!" Said Johnny. I said hi back then we were having a full conversation. Hayden was staring at me a lot. So I decided to say something. "Hi." I said. The biggest smile appeared on his face. His smile can light up a whole room.
"Have fun kiddies!" Said Mrs.Melissa. We all got out, and we were making our way to the entrance. Kenzie and Johnny were in the front talking to the whole time, and were shopping, so it left me and Hayden third wheeling  in the back of them. It was awkward silence until i spoke. "How are you Hay?" I asked. "Could be better. How about you?" He asked. "Same." I said. "Do you wanna go get ice cream with me?" He asked. "Sure!" I said. I felt, complete with Hayden......
We both sat down with our ice creams. We were laughing at our old memories that we had here. "Oh Hayden, you have a little something on your nose." I said. "Can you wipe it for me?" He asked. Then i took my spoon of ice cream and rubbed it all over his nose. "OHHH ITS ON LEBLANC!" He said. He then put some on my nose, then next thing we knew, ice cream was all over our faces. We looked at each other and bursted out laughing. "I missed this." He said. "Me too. I missed this and you more than anything." I said. He smiled. "Prin- i mean Annie?" He said. "Yes?" I said. "Im sorry. For the pain I've caused you, for everything. I just feel like if i didn't come in your life then all this pai-" he said but i cut him off. "Hayden, if you didn't come into my life, I wouldn't be happy. If you didn't come into my life, i would barely smile. Hayden, we all make mistakes. I made mistakes in the past we all do, and we don't mean to do it intentionally. I forgive you for what you've done because I know you didn't mean to do it intentionally. It's okay, im over it. I've worked things out with Kenzie, so i should work things out with you." I said and i smiled. Them biggest smile appeared on his face, and I couldn't help but smile too.

A/N GUESS WHOS BACK!! MEEEE 💜💜 aslooo who wants hannie back ? 😂💜

- M 💕

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