3 weeks.

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Annies Pov
"Annie Wake Up, You're Mom Is Calling." Said Hayden. I quickly got up, and answered the phone. "H....hello mommy?" I said really tired. "We're going back to Maryland tomorrow!" She said. Thats when i fully woke up. "What!!" I yelled. "Yeah, we'll be staying for 3 weeks, so come home to pack, then you can spend the rest of your day with Hayden." She said. "Okay." I said, i laid back down, and tossed my phone. "What happened?!" he asked. "I return to Maryland tomorrow for 3 weeks." I said. He hugged me super tight. "Ill miss you princess." Said Hayden running his hand through his hair. "I gotta go home and pack. Ill be back later, then we can spend the day together." I said. "Okay." He said sad. "Cheer up, everything will be fine." I said. He hugged me again. I went to go get Kenzie first, before i left. She was already up when i opened the door. "LETSSS GOOOO!" I yelled. "OKAAAY BFF!!" She yelled back. We then left, and started to walk to my house. "Can you stay and help me pack?!" I asked. "Of cou-, WAIT BFF WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" She yelled. "Back to Maryland.. for 3 weeks." I said sad. "NOOOO OMG WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT YOU." She said. "SAME I CANT LIVE WITH OUT YOU!!" As i said that, we arrived at my front door. We walked in i said hi to everyone, and we went upstairs to my room. "Okay so ill be packing your clothes!!" Said Kenzie. "Okay!" I said.
We finished getting everything ready, and then we both plopped on to my bed. "Im gonna miss you best friend." She said. "Im gonna miss you too." I said. "I hope you and Hayden last while in Maryland." She said. "Me too. And speaking of Hayden, i gotta get ready!" I said. "ILL PICK OUT YOUR CLOTES AND DO YOUR MAKEUP!" Kenzie Yelled In Excitement. "Okay!" I said. I went to shower, and i put on my clothes. I released the towel from my head, so my hair can dry. Kenzie tossed me some socks, and i put them on along with my vans. She was doing my makeup and my hair. We had some pretty good laughs. I'm really going to miss my bff. Life is so much better with her. "and done!" Said Kenzie. I hugged her. "Now go have fun. I gotta go and talk to Johnny." She said. "Okay, i hope you work things out." I said. We hugged again, and i left. Kenzie said she was leaving after she showered, and she was gonna use my clothes.
I was walking down to Haydens house. every time everything goes right with us, something just has to get in the way. I reached his door, and Dylan let me in. "Ill miss you!" I said. We hugged and chatted for a bit until Hayden was ready.
He was finally ready, and we took off to the beach. He set down a blanket, and he had a picnic basket, we set up everything and sat down and ate. "It's like, when we're finally happy, something comes in our way." He said. "I know." I said. "But look, we're gonna make this work okay?" He said. "We will." I said. We smiled. "Im gonna miss you so much." He said looking down. "Heyy don't worry! Ill be back in no time." I said. "3 weeks to long." He said. I laughed and we talked some more.
The sun was going down, so we packed everything up. I loved spending all my time with him.. Even if its just having a picnic. It was really fun. But i was sad because, i had to go home soon.
"And we're here at your front door." Said Hayden. I hugged him and didn't let go. "Take my sweater." He said. He felt me shivering. "Thank You." I said smiling. He put his sweater on me. We looked into each others eyes, and boom, our lips were crashed together. We released and hugged again. "Ill see if i can go to the airport and drop you off." He said. "Okay." I said. "I love you Princess." He said. "I love you more." I said. We kissed again, and he left, i went inside, and slept with Hayley. I didn't want to go back to Maryland.

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