Time 2 Rehearse

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Annies Pov
I woke up the next morning to so many comments, they were either "brannie, hannie, or hate." I left them alone, at this point, i just wanted to be happy. Brennan wasn't in the bed, so I figured he was downstairs something, so i started my day by showering and doing my hair and makeup.
When i was finished, i put on some socks because my feet was cold, and ran downstairs. I see  Brennan on the couch sleeping. "He came down to watch tv and then fell asleep." Said my mom. I just nodded. "We have to rehearse today." My mom said. I almost spit out my milk. "What?!" I said. "Yeah, remember your song with Hayden?" She said. "Ooh yeah." I said, knowing she didn't know what happened between us. "The rock your hair concert, is 2 days from now, and your video will be released soon." She said. I just nodded. I didn't want to see Hayden today. I got my mind off of it, and made me some pancakes.
I finished eating and went to the couch where Brennan was at, i had to wake him up because he had to go home. "My mom is going to drop you home, i didn't know that i had rehearsal today with Hayden." I said. That's when Brennan fully got up. "WOAH WHAT? HAYDEN." He said really fast. "Yeah, remember we're doing a cover of little do you know?" I said. "Yeah... Just don't let him get to you today." He said. He then got up and went to my room to collect his things. I texted Kenzie everything, she wasn't too happy that i was seeing Hayden today, she said she didn't want him to hurt me again. I'm honestly excited to see him now.. i think...
"Bye, text me later!" Brennan said as he hugged me. My mom said bye, and we left. "Brennan's good to you, but i wish Hayden was still with you though, you guys were cute." My mom said. " i know." I said. We were now going to rehearsal, and i was on my phone because the ride was 30 mins long. I was on the explore page and all i saw were Hannie edits. I missed Hayden, but i feel like he wasn't good for me. I don't know.. I seen that Hayden was liking the Hannie edits though, he even commented one and put " good times
:( 💜 " i decided to comment too, and put " agreed 👍🏻 @ Haydensummerall " i then locked my phone, and thought about Hayden, the whole ride there.
Haydens Pov
I was on my way to rehearsal and seen Annie commented on the same Hannie edit i did. I couldn't help but smile. I cut off Lauren, because i realized that i was still in love with Annie. Annie deserves better, she deserves everything i couldn't give her. We were almost to rehearsal and im scared to see Annie.
I woke up to Dylans voice, he was saying wake up. I quickly got up, and took out the equipment. We then started to make our way into our studio. Annie was already there, she was on her phone sitting on the black couch, she looked up at me and her face glowed up. She smiled, slightly. I then put my arms out and gave her a hug, and here came the feelings and butterflies again..
Annies Pov
"Hellooooo guys! You guys just saw each other." Said Dylan. So me and Hayden stopped hugging. We just laughed. (30 mins later) While Mr.Jimmy was setting up the equipment, Hayden asked if i wanted to get some water with him, so i did. "Look, Im sorry for everything." He said. "It's okay." I said. "Me and Lauren didn't do anything at all but hang out as friends, i swear." He said. "I believe you." I said as i was grabbing the water. Then we paused and got lost in each others eyes. That's when we pulled in for a hug. "AAWWWWW" my mom said popping out of no where with the vlog camera, we released and we laughed and started to walk back to the studio.
We were finally done with our 4 hour rehearsal. "Alright everyone in Mr.Jimmys car!" Said My Mom. "Why not ours?" I asked. "Oh Jimmy Jr, is taking it to our house, hes going by himself, he wants to hang out with daddy until we get back." She said. "Oh." I said and hopped in the back with Hayden. We went to pick up Jayden and we went to go eat dinner and pool. My mom vlogged everything. I knew hannie edits were going to come in as soon as this vlog was posted. i keep thinking about, so it makes stomach do twist and turns.
We finished, and we went to the water thing. Hayden kept picking me up, and taking me into the fountain. "Friends?" He asked as he put me down. "Best friends." I said and smiled. "Forever." He said and hugged me. "GOALS OMG." Said Jayden vlogging. "AHAHA." I said running into the fountain and Hayden ran after me. I felt the sparks all over again. I then realized im still in love with him..
We were done having our fun, and Mr.Jimmy was taking us home. Me and Jayden and Hayden sat in the back. I sat in the middle of them. The ride was really quiet until me and Haydens phone went off at the same time. It was from Jayden, it was pictures of me and Him. We looked at each other and smiled. "This is the hannie I remember." She said. We all smiled, me and Hayden started to blush.

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