Surprising Kenzie

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(Sorry For Any Spelling Errors)
Annies Pov
We were leaving for LA earlier than i expected. "are you ready Carson?" I asked. "Yes." He said. "Here let me
Take your suitcasea out to the car." He said. "Aww thanks!" I said smiling.
Carsons Pov
Who Knew 2 weeks can do so much to how you feel about one specific person? I guess I didn't realize that i liked Annie.... "okay!!! Are you going downstairs or?" Said Annie. "Oh.. oh yeah." I said and snapped back into reality, and we both laughed. Her laugh is so cute.
Annies Pov
"Im ready to go back to LA!" Said Paige. "Honestly same." I said. Paige then texted me, which I didn't understand because we were in the same car.


Paige - but what about hayden??!!

Annie - lol i dont want to go back just for him ok . but ... anyway im just going to let it be . We need space .

Then Paige looked at me. I looked away, and out the window, i just couldn't wait to be back and Breathe The LA air again.

We were on the plane now, and i asked to be seated next to Carson. We sat in the way back away from everyone. "Lets go live!" He said. So we went live off of My We decided to answer some questions. "Can you guys live without each other?" Carson read. "No.. i cant live with out Carson, he's my other half." I said to the live. "I agree." He said to the live. I seen that Hayden joined the live. "Oh hi Hay." I said. Carson didn't say anything. He just looked at me. I had to make sure it didn't look like we were on the plane because i want me coming back to LA, a surprise to everyone.
I woke up, in Carsons arms. He was carrying me. "Where are we?" I asked. "Your room in LA." He said smiling. "OMG HOW DID I SLEEP THROUGH ALL THAT?" I said. "I asked my self that." We both Started to laugh.
I was out of the shower, and i decided i was going to see Kenzie today. And i believe Carson was going to hang out with some friends. "Mom can i go and see Kenzie today?! PLEASEEEE!!" I begged. "Okay, you can actually sleep over. If its fine with Kenzie." She said. "Thank you!!!" I said. I ran upstairs packed a bag. I was going to surprise her. I finally packed everything and went to say bye to Hayley. "Bye Hay!! Love you!" I said. "Wait Annie?" She said. "Yes Hay?" I asked. "What happened to you and Hayden? I heard you yelling at him on face time one time." She said. Awe that broke my heart... "dont worry Hay.." i said. "I hope i can still see him... he was a good friend to me." She said. That made me feel bad.. "we can see him tomorrow if you want." I said. Her frown turned upside down. "YAYAYAY!!!!" She shouted. That made me happy, to see her happy.
Kenzies House was only 5 minutes from my house, so it was great walking distance. I got there, and i rang the door bell. Ms.Melissa answered the door. "Shes upstairs." She said. I hugged Ms.Melissa, and i went upstairs to her room. I knocked. "COME IN!" She yelled. I knocked again. "i said YOU CAN COME IN!" She shouted louder. *knock knock knock* the Door flew open, "I SWEAR MADDIE IF YOU KEEP KNO-" "ANNNNNNIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" She yelled. I jumped into her Arms. "HEYYYYY BFF!!!!" I yelled. We had a moment where we talked about everything and teared up. The good part is, we're best friends again. "OMG CAN YOU PAINT MY NAILSSS!" I said. "DUUUH" she said grabbing her nail polish. she painted my nails white, and I painted hers. We pretty much stayed up all night, doing girly things, making musical.lys, all that good stuff.
We were getting ready for bed, she shut off the lights. "Sorry for everything." She said. "Lets put that behind us." I said. "Are you going to put the past behind you and Hayden? He really loves you.. ever since you know, hes been looking and feeling like crap, he barely eats, and cries all day.." she said. I stayed quiet. "Bff?" She asked. "Yes?" I said. "Do you miss Hayden, or Hannie?" She said. "I miss Him abd Hannie More than anything." I said. I felt a tear slip out...

A/N Hannie Or Cannie ? 💜

- M 💕

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