Waiting For A Text Back.

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Annies Pov
I woke to someone jumping on my bed. "Wake up!" Yelled Carson. I didn't move, i was too tired. He started tickle me, so i bursted out laughing. "OKAY OKAY IM UP!!" I said in between laughs. I sat up. "You should show me around Maryland today!!" He said. "I don't drive." I said laughing. "That's why we have feet, we can walk around." He said. "Okay, well ill go get ready, we can have breakfast, then we'll go." I said. He started to jump up and down like a little kid, then he ran out and shut my door. I was laughing. I grabbed my phone to see if i had any messages from Hayden. None. We argued last night over the dumbest thing ever.. i had no messages from him, but one from Kenzie, i really miss her.

Bff Kenzie 😍💛🤞🏻

Kenzie - hey bff !! 💛💛💛i miss you tons!

Annie - i miss you too !! 💕 I can't wait to be back.

Kenzie - me too !! We have to have a sleepover once you get back

Annie - most definitely!!!

Kenzie - oh and bff ?!

Annie - yes bff

Kenzie - you and carson? SPILL THE DETAILS

Annie - lol😂 nothing is going on, he's living at my house until we go back to Maryland.

Kenzie - omg u guys are gonna be so close!

Annie - yeah but Hayden isn't okay with that , we got into an argument last night about him. But its okay, me and carson are just friends.

Kenzie - 😉😉😉😉

Annie - oh stop! 😂😂 lol ill text you later, im gonna shown Carson around Maryland so i gotta get ready. Love you! 💕💕

Kenzie - OOOOOOO but okay have Fun , love you too 💛💛💛

I miss Kenzie so much. I was now done in the shower, all i had to do was my makeup. "ANNIE!! Are you almost ready?!" Carson Yelled. "YES!" I yelled back. I slipped on some vans, grabbed my phone, and ran downstairs. "Here you go!!" Carson said handing me a bagel with Strawberry cream cheese. "OMG THANK YOUUU!" I said hugging him. He's really sweet. After we were done, i told Mommy, Hayley, and Daddy, oh and Paige, goodbye.
"So this is how you lived everyday?" Carson asked. "What do you mean?" I asked closing the front door. "Wake up to a big house, loving family, and vlog all day?" He asked. "OH SHOOT!" I said. I had to run back in and grab one of the vlogging cameras.
I came back out an Carson was waiting for me. "Can i take over?" He asked. "Yes!" I said. *vlogging* "good morning guys, its Carson! Here we have Annie , shes showing me around town." (annie puts her arm around him.) "yesss!! im showing my best friend for life around town." I said, we both laughed, and shut off the camera. I took my arm off of him. We walked around the park, went to a couple of stores, and decided to buy some friendship bracelets. "THIS ONE IS PERFECT!!" He yelled. I ran to him, and it was two really nice bracelets that said "best friends" .

 I ran to him, and it was two really nice bracelets that said "best friends"

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