Ill Miss You Princess

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Haydens Pov
I was walking really slow. I was just thinking about how ill never be able to hug her, or ever kiss her again. Tears and tears came down from my eyes. I was a mess. "room 07 ." I said and i walked in. I closed the door behind me. I took a seat, and automatically kept crying. I put my head on her stomach but i had to be careful because of the tubes. I kept crying. I finally picked my head up, and grabbed her hand. "Princess, it's your baby. Hayden. Im sorry i got you into this mess. It's all my fault. I never thought I'd see this day. We're so young, and you're leaving me already. I wanted to spend years with you. My whole life with you.. I know we're young, we're 12, but i know what true love is. You're the love of my life Julianna Grace. I love you so much princess. I love you more than words can explain. I love you more than those 3 words represent. You mean the world to me. If i just had one more day with you. Ill see you later. Have fun on heaven, Princess. Ill miss you." I left it at that. I kissed her lips. Well kinda, the tube was in the way. I whispered "i love you." And i looked down and started to walk away. "This is all my fault." I said. I opened the door, i looked at her again. And turned to the door. "I........its no........ot your fault." Said a voice. I turned back and ran to the bed. "PRINCESS PRINCESS!!" I yelled. I saw a slight smile. She looked so weak, and sick. "DOC DOC!" I yelled. "Wait, is this a dream?" I asked. She shook tried to shake her head no. the doctor walked in. "ITS A MIRACLE!" He yelled, and he started to tear up a little bit. I hugged him. "The best miracle ever." I whispered. I walked to the door. "Thank you." I said to him, and ran out to call the others. I was really happy. I was crying tears of joy.

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