Pool Bbq

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"Security!" Yelled one of the staff. Johnny attacked the fan. "DONT YOU EVER HURT MY LITTLE SISTER" Johnny yelled as he got escorted out of vidcon.
Annies Pov
I ran backstage. Hate really gets to me. I wish Caleb was here to help me. "I love you Annie." Hayden says running backstage to me. He hugs me and i lean into his chest. "We gotta go Annie, Johnny is at the police station." Said Kenzie. We all ran to the car.
I ran in and Johnny was in the little waiting area. "Johnny, please tell me you don't have to stay?" I asked hugging him. "I don't, Paige just has to sign the papers." He said hugging me.
We all left the police station and went back to my house. I decided to lay on my bed for a little while. I was really exhausted. I went on my phone for a little, and seen the video when Hayden asked me out. It was so cute. *knock* "come in." I said. It was Kenzie. "Hey Anns." She said hugging me. "You okay?" She asked. "A little. Im just really exhausted." I said. "Me too." She said. "Im sorry that you guys couldn't do your Q&As. I feel really bad." I said. "Don't worry." she said. We made a few musical.lys to kill some time. "Wheres Jayden?" I asked. "With Carson." She said. "aawwwww!" I said. "Hey lets go swimming!" She said. "Yesss!" I said. I got my bathing suit, and i let Kenzie borrow one. Jayden came too. We went to my backyard and Jumped in. Then all the boys came. We all started to laugh.. we swam some more. Then Paige came out.. "Barbecue?" She asked. "YES!" We screamed. Her Boyfriend was bbqing, and Paige invited more kids. We kind of had a party, sort of. We all swam and ate. And had a really great time.
Me and Kenzie and Jayden went to take a shower in different bathrooms. The boys did too... when us girls were done, the boys were already in the backyard with the rest. We all changed and ran back downstairs. The boys were on the mini stage with their guitars and mics. "Come sit here girls!" Paige said pointing to three chairs right in front of the stage. Carson Stepped Up, Johnny Stepped Up, and So Did Hayden. Carson sang, there she go by pnb rock, Johnny sang Everything, and Hayden sang little do you know. "CAN WE HAVE ANNIE, KENZIE AND JAYDEN TO THE STAGE PLEASE?" Yelled Johnny.

A/N sorry for all these boring chapters . Kinda getting bored 😂 like i have ideas , just not for this book . Idk but ill continue to write still . Sorry for slacking . 😩 i love you guys . Ill be posting later today 💜
- M 💕

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