Dont Let Go

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Annies Pov
I walked in my house and my mom was downstairs shutting off all the lights, getting ready to go to bed. "Thank you mom, for letting me stay." I  said. "How'd it go?" She said. "Pretty alright." I said. "That's good. GoodNight, love you sweety." She said. "Love you too." I said. I walked up to my room, changed into some pjs, wiped off my makeup, then went to check Hayley. I walked in and she was sleeping already. I kissed her forehead. I walked back out, went to my room, and laid down. I checked Instagram and i seen that Lauren posted something mean of me, with the caption "Hoe." Then she posted a picture of her and Hayden, saying "Look at my baby💕" . I felt really hurt. I couldn't believe it. Honestly, the part i was hurt about, is that, i think i have feelings for someone who keeps backstabbing me.. i put my phone on the charger and fell asleep.
Haydens Pov
I tried to text Lauren about it, but she didn't reply. She kept forwarding my calls, and everything. I was getting really frustrated. Why would she do that? I am starting to hate her. She's not the person i dated years ago.
Annies Pov
I woke up around 10am. I left my phone on the charger, and went to Hayleys room. I honestly felt like crap. I walked in, and she wasn't in there, so i ran downstairs and she was on the table. With two luggages. "Are we going on a trip I didn't know about?" I said sitting down. "Actually, you been away and gone a lot, i never had the chance to tell you that, i got accepted into this really big dance class!! Ill be in Florida for 3 weeks." She said. I hugged her. "im so proud of you Hayley!!" I said a lot of tears came out. "And we'll be going with her." My dad said. "Soooooo im gonna be here by my self? Please don't make that happen" i said. "Ill be with you." Said A familiar voice, i turned And it was Paige! I ran to hug her. "Well lets drive them to the airport." She said. I ran upstairs quickly to shower. I slipped on some nike slides and ran out the door.
"Bye, we love you!!" Said Mom, Dad, and Hayley. "We love you too!" Said me and Paige. We hop in the car. "Well! What should we do?" I ask. "Hmmmmm whatever comes our way." She says. We vlog, and we go to the mall, eat, and then get some ice cream and head home. "Lets watch Moana!!" Said Paige. "But first......." i said. "Lets go get some snacks!!" She said. We leave and go to Target, and buy so much snacks. We were playing around in the store and we ran into the Summeralls... Hayden holds out his arms for me to hug him, but i ignore it and go hug Dylan. "Hi Dyl!!" I said. "Say cheese!" Said Paige. "Wait!!" I said. And i jumped on his back, and we took a picture. "See You tomorrow hopefully!" Said Jimmy. Me and Paige left Target. We are in the car and she starts a conversation.
P = Paige
A = Annie
P - what was that all about ?
A - huh ?
P - why did you ignore Hayden ?
A - he keeps on hurting me .
P - what do you mean ??
A - he back stabs me .
P - oh 
A - yeah i guess . Its whatever ,
Ill get over it , ill get over him .
Little did I know, that i was lying.
We came in the house threw all the snacks on the couch and turned on Moana. Me and Paige stuffed our faces until we were full and tired. We then fell asleep..
Haydens Pov
When Annie did that to me in Target, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I felt so hated. This is the  second time I've hurt her. I felt like complete crap. I hope tomorrow gets better..
Paige's Pov
*vlogging* hello guys! So today we have a lot on our list. Today is Jojo Siwas Birthday party!! And got an invite. But first me and Annie have to run a few errands, then get ready. Come follow me to wake her up. (Shes up) look at the sleepy head guys!!

Annies Pov
Me and Paige had to run to the store and Buy a gift that Jojo would love. We bought her neon clothes, and some bright pink converse. I know she'll love them! It was already 1:00 and we had to go home and get ready. Paige was doing my makeup. "Lets go!" She said. I was upstairs texting Hayley to see how its going.
I walked in the party, and it was so colorful and beautiful. I was shocked. I walked in and i saw Hayden talking to Jayden, Hayden looked at me and then walked off. "Annie!" She called. I walked over there. "Why are you Hayden not talking?" she asked. "I know he told you." I said. "You're right." She said. "I know." I said. "He said, he's ending things with Lauren so he can be your bestfriend, he said no one else matters but you. He really cares about you." She said. "I feel the same way." I said. I smiled, And me and Jayden hung out the whole party. I felt like i actually made a girl bestfriend. "Im leaving." She said. "Awwwwww!'" I said giving her a hug. "Lets hang out tomorrow!" She said. I agreed and she left. I decided to walk out front and text Paige. I walked out to see Lauren and Hayden kissing. That's when i started to cry. "Thought you cared about me." I said then ran away. "Annie!" He yelled. Lauren walked inside laughing. He caught up to me. "Annie i can explain." He said. "Why would you tell Jayden a lie." I said wiping my eyes. "Look, i came out because i needed air, seeing you smile makes me sad because I can't share that smile with you. Lauren came and started to kiss me, and i tried to release, but she kicked me." He said. "Oh." I said. "Annie. Since the day i met you, I couldn't get you off my mind. There's just something different about you that makes me attached since the day i met you." He said teary eyed. " i feel the same way." I said smiling. "I have deep feelings for you, every time you come around, im really happy.
Im happy with you. Very happy. Its just you dont ever give me a chance to explain my self. Ever. You always given me the silent treatment. It makes me feel like im going to lose you each time. And seeing you with Rush, ugh. It killed me. I was hurt. Those things, are the worst things to ever feel." He said. "Hayden....." i said. I couldn't resist. I jumped on him and hugged him really tight. "Dont ever let me go. Please." I said. "Never." He said and held me tighter.

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