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Annies Pov
*vlogging* Well good morning everyone! Today we leave to Maryland for 3 weeks, it's currently 6am, and everything is loaded in our car. I'll check on you guys later!" I said. I grabbed my phone, and slowly walked out of my room. I didn't want to leave LA. Ugh. "Annie! Hurry!" Yelled mommy. I was looking down and walking out to the car, and i looked up and realized It was Haydens car. I got super excited and ran to his car. He was sitting in the way back so i joined him. We were silent but held hands the whole way to the airport.
We were now in the airport waiting to board. I stayed out of our gate to stay with Hayden until it was time. "Im Going to miss you." Hayden said putting his head down. "Im gonna miss you too." I said. I took his hand and he immediately picked his head up. "Annie You gotta Go!" Said Mr.Jimmy. I hugged Hayden for really long and i took off. There i went. This was going to be a long 3 weeks.
I was sitting next to my dad on the plane. We got settled in, and the plane took off. I rested my head on the window, i was really sad. "Cheer up buttercup." My dad said. I chuckled. I looked out the window, and i started to fall asleep.
"Lets go Anns!" I woke up to the voice of my dad. I groaned but got up. I looked at my phone and had a few messages from Hayden.

Hayden 😍💍

Hayden - hey princess 💜i miss you already!

Hayden - face time me when you get home. I love you. 💖

I just smiled at his messages. "What are you smiling at?" My dad asked. "Haydens text." I said and chuckled. "Bayden is real, sorry to break it to you." He said. We both laughed.
We took an uber to our house, i walked in and the first place i went to was Calebs room. I basically just sat in the middle of his room thinking about him. I got lost in my thoughts. "Annie? You okay?" Asked my dad taking a seat next to me. "Im just really missing bubba." I said. I leaned into my dad. "Me too." He said. We talked for about an hour about Caleb. It was hard to believe that he was really gone.
After that hour, i went to shower and get ready for bed. It was 12:00am where i lived. I laid on my bed, and immediately i had a face time call from Hayden, i totally forgot to call him. HELLLO PRINCESS! You forgot to call me. He said fake crying. . "Heyyyy! And cheer up buttercup, im sorry." I said. "I miss you so much." He said. "I miss you more." I said. I set up my phone on my nightstand so we can fall asleep on face time together.
Haydens Pov
Annies eyes were closed, she was peacefully asleep. "I love you Julianna Grace LeBlanc." I said, i smiled. I was blessed with someone so amazing. Just looking at her sleep peacefully made me happy to have in her in my life. I can tell that these 3 weeks were going to be hard. *buzz buzz buzz buzz* woah, that was a lot of notifications, i can hear it coming from Annies phone, i wonder who it is.

A/N IM SORRYYY THAT MY CHAPTERS ARE BORING 😭 they'll get better! I promise!! 💕
- M 💜

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