The FaceTime Call

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Kenzies Pov
"Hayden Stop!! What the heck!" I yelled. "I think im missing Annie too much." Hayden said tearing up. "Hayden! What?! You just said you don't know if you love her, now you're saying you miss her because you kissed me? Geez Hayden! You're my bffs boyfriend. Why would you do that?" I said. I ran away and left him there crying. I can't believe he would do that.
Haydens Pov
What. Did. I. Just. Do. I'm such an idiot. Why would i kiss my girlfriends bff. I'm letting this whole situation take over me. I just cheated on Annie.... I thought to myself as i sat there crying.
Annies Pov
I was going to the Arcade with Paige, Carson, and Curits. We were all in the car. the song "fake love" was playing. "STRAIGHT UP TO MY FACEEEEE!" Me And Carson bursted out yelling-singing. We both looked at each other, and started to laugh, Paige and Curtis, joined in.
We walked in the Arcade, and we got some tokens. Me and Carson immediately ran off to go play some games while Paige and Curtis.. well I don't know what they are doing because we ran off so quickly. "GOOD JOB BEST FRIEND!" Yelled Carson as i hit the Jackpot of 400 tickets on a game. We high fived and continued to play some more games.
Kenzies Pov
I couldn't get what happened at the park out of my mind. I had to yell it out. "HAYDEN KISSED ME ON THE LIPS!" I yelled really loud. Maddie looked at me shocked. "OMG KENZIE THATS YOUR BFFS BOY FRIEND!" Said Maddie. I explained what happened. "Kenz, you should tell your best friend. Don't you think she deserves to know?" Maddie Said. "Yes! But it will hurt her..." i said. "It wasn't your fault though. She should understand. Plus, it will only hurt her more if you kept it a secret." Maddie said. I guess she was right.
Haydens Pov
I came home, with my face filled with tears. "Woah! Lil bro!! What happened?" Asked Dylan. I took a seat next to him. "well ive been at my worst point in life ever. it all started when Carson showed up at Annies house, and hes staying for 3 weeks. My jealousy took over.... so i ignored annies texts and calls for about a week now, then I questioned if i still love her or not. Then when i took kenzie bowling i felt some type of way, so i posted kenzie on Instagram. I did it to get back at annie, and i also did it because.... i thought i had something for kenzie. I DONT KNOW!!!! Then, it made Annie and Johnny heart broken. Then today i took a walk to think about everything that has happened, i ended up sitting on a bench at the park. Then kenzie came and was giving me advice. That's when i questioned my love for annie... i STILL LOVE ANNIE SO MUCH! I STILL LOVE HER DYLAN!! IM IN LOVE WITH HER! I DONT KNOW WHY I EVER QUESTIONED MY LOVE FOR HER!!!! But I realized it too late... i kissed kenzie on the lips. WHAT WAS I THINKING!" I said-yelled to Dylan. Dylan pulled me into hug and calmed me down. And talked to me About everything. "Little bro. Calm down. It's going to be alright. Everyone makes mistakes. But you should talk to Annie and tell her what you did and that you're sorry for actions. But you will have to give her time because of what you did. You do understand that it will hurt her right? This has taken over you. Relax, take a nap. Then when you get up, explain what has happened to Annie. She deserves to know. Plus in my opinion, you shouldn't have ignored her because Carson is there. Im pretty sure she couldn't change the fact he was staying there...." Dylan said. "But... what if she breaks up with me if i tell her?" I said crying. "If she does.. then she does. But if its meant to be, you guys will find your guys is way back to each other. Just give it time, let it be." Dylan said, after that, i took a nap, I honestly needed a nap.
Kenzies Pov
I was thinking about this kiss all day, it destroyed me.. so I decided to facetime annie, and let her know what has happened. *ringing* she answered and it was dark in her room, im guessing she was getting ready to sleep. "BFF!!!!!" She said happily. "Wait have you been crying?" She asked. "Annie, i have to tell you something." I said wiping away my tears. "You can tell me anything." She said. "I love you best friend, i always will, i hope we're still best  friends after this....." i said. "We always will be, i love you more!" She said. "So.... I went on a jog around the park, and I recognized Hayden, i went to say hi, but when he looked back at me, he was crying. So i decided to sit next to him, and ask him what was wrong. We talked about it, and then.... he kissed me on the lips. I didnt know that it was going to happen. He did it first, but right when he did it i pulled away, i swear i would never do that you BestFrie-".

FaceTime Call Ended.

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