Music Video

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Annies Pov
I haven't spoke to Hayden in the last few days. I don't know what has happened to us. "Hey Annie." Said Carson walking into my room. "Yes?" I asked. "Can you do something for me?!" He asked looking away. "You okay?? Ill do what you need.. you look shy to ask." I said. "Can you be my girlfriend in my music video?" He asked. I paused. "Sure." I said. "You don't have to if you don't want to." He said about to walk out of my room. "NOOO I'D LOVE TO!!!!!" I said smiling. "Yay!! Thank you." He said. I smiled, and plopped down in my bed.
Haydens Pov
I kept re reading Carsons comment. Maybe he was right. "Hayden!" I heard Dylan yell. "Yes?" I asked. "Well Im going out with Maddie and Jack, maybe you can come and hang with Kenzie because Johnny is spending time with Lauren." He said. "Ugh. Why not?" I said. "Hurry and Get ready." He said. I really didn't want to go because, thats my girlfriend's best friend, i dont know how Annie will feel. I don't even know where we stand right now.
Annies Pov
I was getting ready because we were filming some parts for his music video today. I kept getting notifications i was hoping some were from Hayden, but none weren't. I really want this relationship to work. Yes, i know that im only 12, but i really love him. I decided to just text him.

Hayden 😍💍

Annie - hey i hope you're having a great week 💜i wish i can spend it with you, i miss you more & more everyday 💜💜

Read At 3:45pm

He kept reading my messages really fast, he just never replied. Each time he never replied, my heart broke a little more. "You ready?" Asked Mommy. "Yes mommy, im coming." I said. I slipped on my sandals, and went downstairs. We were in the car, and the ride was silent until my mom broke the silence. "So Carson, what role does Annie play in your video?" She asked. "My Girl....Fr-iend" he said stuttering. Then he looked at me with a huge smile, so I decided to smile back. We arrived at the place. "Vlog please!!" Mommy said handing me the camera. "Okay. Love you!" I said. Me and Carson walked into the building.

Haydens Pov
Me, Maddie, Jack, Dylan, and Kenzie got down of the uber, and we walked to the grove. "Why don't you guys go do what you little kids do?" Said Dylan laughing. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said. I walked off and Kenzie followed . We were walking and it was really awkward. We were silent the whole time until she broke the silence. "So how are you?" She asked. "Im alright." I said. We were walking into the ice cream shop, and we got some ice cream and sat down to eat. "How about you? How are you?" I asked as soon as we sat down. "Lonely. I haven't really hung out with Johnny, and Annie is gone.." she said. "We should hang out more." I said smiling. "I don't know Hayden.. you're my best friends boyfriend." She said. "Well, i dont know what Me and Annie are right now." I said. "What? Why?" She said. "Because of Carson. Ever since he came everything just went downhill. Every time we are happy, something comes in the way, we argue and we go on bad terms." I said. "Well..... Hayden. You should text her back, she told me you been leaving her on read. But Hayden listen, i love Annie, more than anything, please don't hurt her, I understand where you're coming from. Some things are and aren't meant to be.." she said. She was right, i just didn't know if me and Annie were meant to be. We finished up our ice cream, and we went around to shop. Kenzie was a lot of fun to Hang with, i gotta Admit.
Annies Pov
*vlogging* hey guys! It's almost a wrap on day one of Carsons Music video. If you guys didn't know, ill be starring in his video! -after that, I closed the camera and went back to where we were filming. There was a scene where he had to carry me, then he kissed me on the cheek. Yeah, i know it's not really anything, but i feel like im cheating on Hayden. I shouldn't be feeling like this because, it's acting.. i hope.
Haydens Pov
We were leaving the grove, and Kenzie was teary eyed. In the middle of our fun day, Johnny texted her, and she got really emotional. I tried comforting her, but it didn't work. I decided to take her bowling just as friends because i felt really bad and i wanted to take her mind off  things.
Annies Pov
"AND THATS A WRAP!" Yelled Carson. I was happy, i was really tired. Its now 8:00pm and im starving and tired. We were waiting for my mom, so we sat on the bench.. "thank you for this opportunity Carson." I said. "Anytime." He said. He looked into my eyes, and we kinda got lost, until we heard a honk. It was my mom, and she had her camera out. Just great....
Haydens pov
We were on our way to bowling. It was just me and Kenzie. I feel great to make a friend happy. "Have fun kids!" Said my dad as we got out of the car. We walked in and got a lane.
"STRIKE!" Said Kenzie really happily. It was amazing to see her smile, and laugh. *ringing ringing ringing* it was the sound of Kenzie making a facetime call. While she was doing that, I decided to post a picture of us. Kind of to get back at Annie, but kind of just to show off Kenzie, she deserved what Johnny didn't give her.


🖤liked by KenzieZiegler, JohnnyOrlando, 309,202 more

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🖤liked by KenzieZiegler, JohnnyOrlando, 309,202 more

HaydenSummerall - luv hangin out with you Kenzie! 💖

(A/N ; Ps no I don't ship Kayden so don't attack me okay.)

View All Comments

JohnnyOrlando - @ AnnieLeBlanc.... right when i need you the most, you're in Maryland.


CarsonLeuders - LMFAAAAO OKAY HAYDEN .... 👎🏻

KenzieZiegler - awe back at you Hayden💛

Username2 - woah Hayden & Carson , I thought u guyz were best friends :(

DylanSummerall - bestie @ kenziezigler

KenzieZiegler - @ dylansummerall for the restie 💛💛


Username4 - OU OMG DRAMAAAAAAA!!!!

Username5 - Kayden

DuhItzMark - uhm no ... lets not ship kayden . HANNIE! ❤️ miss you Annie...

Username6 - BRING BACK UR SQUAD @ duhitzmark

DuhItzMark - we're hoping to bring back Annie ❤️

JohnnyOrlando - ...... 😔

AnnieLeBlanc - i wish you were here :(
I need you at a moment like this too 😔 @ JohnnyOrlando

Username8 - poor johnny & annie


I finished posting and went back to Kenzie. She was face timing Annie. Annie noticed me, then Carson came in, "GOTTA GO KENZ WE'RE GONNA WATCH A MOVIE WE LOVE YOU!!!!" Carson Yelled. They were laughing. Then The Call Ended.. "im sorry Hayden." Said Kenzie. "Not your fault." I said. I then took off running home.

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