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Annies Pov
I ran off when i saw that. I knew that it wasn't Haydens fault that she was in Ihop. But him hugging another girl? It really gets to me. It really hurts my feelings because i have so much feelings for Hayden, you know. I just
Lifted my head up, and walked home. I unlocked the door. I ran to Johnny. And he Held Me. "You okay sissy?" He asked. "Not really." I said. I explained what happen. Johnny was really mad.

Haydens Pov
"Look Alexa, i really gotta go." I said. "No please Hayden. You can't forget what we had." She said. "Had." I said as i ran out of Ihop. I ran as fast as i could back to Annies.. 15 minutes later i was at the front door. I rang the doorbell.
Kenzie answered it. I went in and saw Annie on The couch with Johnny. Johnny shot up quick blocking Annie from me. "Move Hayden." He said. "Don't be like that!" I snapped. "You hurt her." He said coming all up in my face. "Johnny STOP!" Annie yelled. She pulled Johnny back. "I got this." She said. She took me upstairs. "Annie im sorry. We used to have a thing, that's why she hugged me like that." I said. "Just stop." She said. "Look. I didn't run out because, i was mad at you. I ran out because i was mad at myself." She said. "Why?" I asked. "I wish that girl was me. The feelings are so real for you Hayden." She said. "Annie?" I asked. "Yeah?" She said. I put out my arms. She jumped on me, put her arms around my neck, and wrapped her legs around me. "You are the only one who can hug me like this because, you are the only girl i want." I said. "Hayden. I really love you." She said. "Annie. I love you more." I said. "Not possible." She said. "Yes possible." I said. And she laid her head on my shoulder. I really didn't want this to end.

Fast forwarding to vidcon

Annies Pov
Today was the first day of VidCon. I was excited. We were all going together. Me, Jayden, Kenz, Johnny, Carson, And Hayden all have a panel together. I was super excited. Me and The girls got ready. "GEEEE IM SO READY!" Yelled Jayden. "AHHHHHHH!" Me and Kenzie both said. "You scared us!!" Said Kenzie. "Sorry!!" Jayden said. *knock knock* it was Johnny. "Yall good?" Asked Johnny as he came to comfort me. "We're fine." Said Kenzie. They both looked at each other for a long time. "You guys are cute but this is getting awkward." I said breaking the silence. Johnny quickly walks out.

Arriving to Vidcon
Haydens Pov
Me and Annie weren't really talking. As we arrived to our panel, i made sure the promise ring was in my pocket. "You got this." Said Carson patting my back. Anyways, we went behind the Panel, had some snacks, and waited until any one of us were called. I kept looking at Annie, hoping none of this will go wrong. I'm really in love with her. And everything about her. "Can Hannie, oh I mean Hayden Summerall and Annie LeBlanc come out!!" Yelled Someone. "Ready?" She asked. "Yes!" I said. And we walked out. "HANNIE HANNIE HANNIE!" Was all we heard. We sat in the two chairs in the center of the stage. "Hello Fans!!" We Said. "Today we'll be starting off with a Q&A! Ask some questions and we'll call you up!" Said Annie. We called up some fans.
Fan- whats your favorite food?
Hayden- hmmm i love a lot
Annie- me too!
Fan- favorite thing about each other?
Annie- my favorite thing about Hayden, is that, he has nice curly hair. *chuckles* and that he's always there for me.
Hayden- i don't have a favorite thing because i love everything about her.
Fan- why are you guys always together.
Annie- we're really closeee
Fan- what's the bad thing about being friends?
Hayden- the arguments.
Annie- i agree because it feels like im going to lose him. (Crowd goes wild.)
Hayden- alright! Last question.
Fan- well.. is Hannie real?
Annie Looks at Hayden not knowing what to say.
Hayden- well.. you guys are our supporters and love the idea of us, so i really wanted to share this moment with you guys. Get your cameras out! (I chuckle)
Hayden gets down on one knee.
Annie- please tell me you're not going to propose (laughing)
Hayden- no we're too young for that. But here's a promise ring. I promise to be loyal, to make you happy, give you the world, love you, always be there for you. I promise you everything. Will you be mine?
Annie Jumps up. Crying. She jumps on Hayden, wraps her legs around him, and put her arms around his neck.
Annie- so this should answer your guys is question. YES HANNIE IS NOW REAL AND OFFICIAL.
I spin Annie. I was really happy.
Someone In Crowd- EWWWWWWWWWW
Annie Quicky got down and ran backstage. Johnny came out. "Who said that?!" He said Yelling. Everyone pointed to who. Johnny ran off stage to him, and i ran to Annie.

Falling In Love With My BestFriend  (HANNIE)Where stories live. Discover now