I Hate You

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Haydens Pov
I was really upset, how can They both do that to me? I was mostly mad at Carson because he knows im still in love with Annie. I seen Carson following Annie downstairs, so i followed but hid to listen to their conversation.

C - annie...
A- what Carson?
C - look . You can't blame me or get mad at me for what happened up there .. you were apart of it too .
A - i know . That's why im mad . Im mad because i did that.
C - why are you mad because of what you did ?
A - because.... because what i did, i can really lose Hayden. I messed up already with hayden, by doing this like that with Brennan, and With you. I just don't know what happened with me and you up there.. i guess i just got caught up in the moment. And that's not good.
C - how is that not good .
A - i can really lose my best friend . Im in love with Hayden . Deeply in love with him .. And the way he looked at us .... it looked like he was crushed .
C - i hope you know i wouldn't do that to Hayden . Even if i had feelings for you .. i still wouldn't do that to Hayden .
A - so you do have feelings for me ?
C - yeah ... im not the only one ..
A - what , who else !!?
C  - Rush , Christian , Conner ...
A - woah.....
C -yeah.
A - lets go back up . So they don't suspect anything. Thank you for being honest.
They hugged and started walking to the stairs, so i had to get up and run back to the room.
Annies Pov
I couldn't believe they all liked me. I mean, yeah we're close but..... i don't see them like that.. Anyways, me and Carson headed Back upstairs. Everyone was on their phones, and they acted like nothing happened, which was great. I sat next to Dylan, and we started to goof around.. i decided to go live again. It was connecting. Then i was live, we immediately had 1,000+ views. Everyone kept commenting "what happened! Or Why'd you end it!" I decided to explain my self. "I had to take care of some things. And please stop commenting Cannie, because it's not real.. we're just really close friends." I said. Then the comments of it died down. I was happy. We were doing q&a's and some challenges. I was having fun. We all were. "BARBECUE IS DONE!!" Yelled Nicole. We all jumped up and down like little kids. "Beat you to the backyard!" I shouted to Hayden. "Oh you're on!!" She said. "GOOOOO!" Yelled Dylan, and we ran. I beat him. "You're to fast!!" He said catching up. I was pulling out my phone, but I remembered i had Haydens. I decided to go on snap chat on Haydens Phone. I went to Carson and was taking a video with him. "NOT ON MY PHONE!" Hayden Yelled, and snatched his phone madly.. the video was still recording when he said that .. "he posted it...but i think on accident." said Carson showing me. In the video Hayden said it super loud, and his face looked mad. Now we were going to get hate. Well i was... because fans are going to think i liked Carson and hate on me because they're going to think i hurt Haydens feelings really bad..i can feel the hate coming.... i felt terrible.. i keep messing up what i have with Hayden.. I looked up and everyone was looking at us. Then Hayden looked at me and Carson and I didn't notice Carson, had his arms around me. "I HATE YOU!" Hayden yelled towards us. Tears were coming down his face, and he threw his phone.. he ran away. I ran after him...

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