Maynard boys~ longest tour ever PART 2 image and text

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A/n~ Someone wanted me to make a part 2 of this so here it is. I hope you like it.

Conor has logged on...

Conor has invited Y/n...

Conor- What's up babe, how you doing 😉

Y/n- Omg Conor, finally you text me. Where are you?

Conor- I'm on my way back to the flat


Conor- Yeah I wanted to surprise you

Y/n- OMG how far away are you???

Conor- About 5-10 minutes

Y/n- I finally get to see you 😘😊 it's been forever

Conor- I know, I'm excited to spend time with my girl

Y/n- 😊 I still can't believe you are my boyfriend

Conor- And I still can't believe you're my girlfriend 💘

Y/n- We can finally go on our first date... after you get some sleep of course, you're probably tired from the long flight 😊

Conor- Nah I slept until we got to the air port. One of the flight attendant had to wake me up 😂

Y/n- Sounds wonderful, and unfamiliar face waking me up, NO THANK YOU!!!

Conor- What if that unfamiliar face was me 😉

Y/n- Um... I, um well 😀😄

Conor walked into our flat, "Honey I'm home," of course we were already roommates before, along with Jack.
"Really Conor," and right on cue, there he was, "I know she's your girlfriend but you don't have to brag."
"Why of course I do," Conor jumped over to me and put his arm around my shoulder, "I have a beautiful girlfriend that loves me for who I am and no one can take her away from me."

"Correction," I put up my finger, "no one can take me away from you except for Mark Wahlberg or Dylan O'Brien."
He gasped and put his hand up against his chest where his heart is, "Those two, how could you Y/n," he started to fake cry, "I thought you said you loved me."

"Woa," I held up my hands, "I didn't say that yet and I wouldn't want to be the first one to say it."
"And why not," he crossed his arms.
"Because it seems like everytime a girl says I love you first then the guy leaves."
"But I won't leave you," he whispered into my ear.
"I know Conor and plus its a little too early in the relationship for that. How about this, I am in liking of you."

"That sounds like you're Captain America that just came out of his iceicle and met someone he liked and still used the slang from 70 years ago."
"Well, first of all it wasn't an iceicle it was an iceberg and second I'm your girlfriend that you just started to date and came back from one of your long tours and we're going on our first date sometime this week so you have to be patient with this one."
Conor sighed, "Okay, so how many dates before we can say the wonderful L?"
"I don't know, whenever we feel comfortable, more than five dates at least. Why?"
"Good," he smiled, "because I already have this week planned for us," he started to walk away. I just stared at him dumbfounded...

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