A chance A/n

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So... this is where I'm giving you a chance to have a part 2 or 3 or 4 or 5, whichever part it is on, for an image. Tell me which image and I'll do it. Just tell me which image or text and with who.

I'm also making another image for Conor and it's really cute and sweet. Gah I just wish it will happen in real life. Also, sorry I haven't been updating any of my books recently. If you haven't checked out any of my other books please do. I'm also a fan of The Walking Dead (but I'm only on season four) and I made a book for it 😂. Anyways go check out "Young Volcanoes", "High School Buttercream Squad", "Supernatural x reader", and "Devil's Angel." Thanks for reading and being patient with my poor updating.

Buttercream Squad x reader [texts and images] Where stories live. Discover now