High school Part 2

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Everyone sat there in silence for a few seconds, until Conor wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I didn't mind, but Josh looked around Oli. "Conor, why do you have your arm around her," he questioned.

"Isn't she beautiful?"

"Yeah," Josh nodded, "why is she here though? She didn't do anything wrong."

"No but like the head master said she was a witness," Oli said.

Joe looked around Conor, "Hey Y/n." Does everyone know my name? "Why do you walk alone to class all the time? I always see you and I wanted to say hi but I was too nervous."

Joe Sugg, nervous to talk to me? "Um, I just don't have any close friends."

"Now you have us," Conor shouted.

"Yeah," all the guys yelled in excitement.

"Shhhhhh," we all heard the secretary which made us giggle.

"What do you do for fun," Caspar asked me.

"Go to the arcade, sing, dance, I don't know anymore," I nervously laughed.

"What are you doing after school," Joe asked me.

"Sleep," they all groaned.

"You should do something fun with us," Josh suggested.

"Like what," I asked.

"Go swimming, eat, go to parties, throw parties. All of them are fun, just choose one," Caspar said.

"We should make a movie," I suggested.

"That would be fun," Conor smiled.

"What would it be about?"

We sat there and thought for a couple minutes, then the door opened again. "Y/n, I would like to see you know!"

"Good luck," Conor whispered.

"Have fun," Joe giggled.

The door closed behind me like in the scary movies. "Sit miss L/n," the headmaster pointed to the seat. I sat down and gulped nervously. "So," the headmaster closed his hands together and had a very evil stare in his eyes, "how did the fight start?"

"I don't know," I simply said.

"What do you mean you don't know," he asked me.

"I wasn't there at the beginning of the fight. Honestly I was only there for a couple seconds before you showed up so I don't really know anything. The only thing I know us that Chris and Jack were fighting," I said honestly.

"Oh," the headmaster leaned back in his chair, "well you may go to class. Have the secretary give you a pass."

"Thank you headmaster," we both got up and I bolted out the door.

"Wait Y/n," Conor stopped me. I turned around to face him and he slipped a piece of paper in my hand, "You should meet us at my house and hang out and call me."

He turned around and he almost sat down before the headmaster asked to see him in his office.

"Bye boys," I waved at all of them and they all waved back, even Jack. Maybe coming to the headmaster's office wasn't that bad after all.

A/n- So I am going to make another part, idk maybe I should make it another book. Speaking of books, go cheek my other ones out if you like the show Supernatural, the band 5SOS, or maybe just a story I made up called 'The Devil's Angel.' Anyways, if you like this book then you might like the other ones. Thank you for reading!❤

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