Chocolate, Tampons, and Cramps... Oh my! (Caspar)

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Josh: Who is coming over for pizza tonight?

Caspar: Pizza? Bro I'm there!

Y/n: You should've known if you said pizza then Caspar was coming.

Mike: I have to work all day, I can't.

Joe: I'm coming!!!🍕🍕🍕

Conor: Is it for the football game tonight?

Mike: There is a football game tonight? Shit! Record it for me then!

Conor: HAHA you wish!

Jack: I can't I got a date

Y/n: On a Wednesday?

Jack: Yeah that's her only day off.

Y/n: You remember what I told you right?

Jack: Yes ma'am!

Caspar: And what was that?

Jack: That's a secret!!!

Oli: I'll be there!

Josh: Okay... only on person didn't say if they were coming or not. So what is it Y/n?

Y/n: I can't

Caspar: Why?

Y/n: Chocolate

Conor: What about chocolate?

Caspar: Okay, I'll buy you chocolate.

Y/n: You aren't getting it.

Joe: No I don't think any of us are.

Y/n: Cramps.

Josh: Did you hurt yourself when we were playing football last night? You have a cramp in your leg?

Caspar: Okay and?

Y/n: TAMPONS! Hopefully you guys know from that one!!!

Joe: Oh shit, Caspar that's all you.

Caspar: Oh my! Y/n, I'm coming over for cuddles and football, I'll buy pizza, chocolate, and ice cream.

Y/n: Best boyfriend ever!

Josh: Okay so who is all coming?

A/n: Sorry it was a short one but it was kind of cute... well at least I thought it was. Like always please vote, comment, follow me for updates, and keep waiting for the next update, whenever that is haha.

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