At Work- Joe x reader

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Joe- Y/n...

Me- Yes Joe, aren't you at work

Joe- Yeah but I'm bored and I miss you

Me- Joe, hunny. Work is not supposed to be fun. At work you're supposed to work and not text your girlfriend

Joe- But I miss you so much!!!❤

Me- I miss you too, but you have to work

Joe- What if I said I was on break

Me- I know you're not

Joe- It's boring

Me- Well you only have a couple hours left, there will be dinner when you get home

Joe- Oooo, what are you making???

Me- Um, haven't decided

Joe- Oh, whatever you make will be good baby

Me- I know it will. You wanna know why it will be good

Joe- Why

Me- It's made with love lol

Joe- Oh my god lol

Me- Ha made you laugh ❤

Joe- That's what I love about you ❤

Me- Awe ❤

Joe- Uggg why can't work go by faster

Me- Because you think it's boring and your looking forward to something

Joe- What am I looking forward to?

Me- Seeing me

Joe- What makes you think I want to see you

Me- Well then. Love you too...

Joe- Babe you know I'm joking right?

Joe- Babe

Joe- ...

Joe- Baby

Joe- I'm sorry. I love you

Me- I know you do lol

Joe- Oh my god, don't do that again

Me- Why not

Joe- Because you fucking scared me

Me- Well I'll do it tomorrow

Joe- Don't you dare

Me- Try me

Joe- I have, and you're delicious

Me- Oh my God Joe. That's not what I meant

Joe- I know 😉

Me- Oh my, I'm done. See ya when you get home

Joe- Lol okay, love ya

Me- Love ya too

Buttercream Squad x reader [texts and images] Where stories live. Discover now